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8 thoughts on “2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Dogs Suspected in Man's Death in Channelview, an Unincorporated Area in Harris County

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    • I have bicycled all over these United States, and let me tell you: Loose dogs are the bane of my existence. I’m also not very fond of the ones that, ahem, serenade me as I go pedaling by.

  1. The area was widely known for having stray dogs yet no one did anything about it. I wonder how many people will die before they get rid of the dogs.

  2. Please identify the man who was killed by dogs and Channelview my son is homeless and I can’t find him! He speaks fluent Spanish and it’s dirty a lot so he may look Hispanic and he’s not

    • Kelley, from a link in this blog article:

      “Authorities urge you to call HCSO Homicide at 713-274-9100 if you have any information in this case.”

      I hope your contact w this Sheriff’s Office gives you good news.

  3. I hate to say this but it’s prob a situation in which the cops are going to make zero effort to find out victim’s identity infact any help or tips from public will likely be swept under a rug or ignored (sorry to say)

  4. I assume however that I some1 does contact police that some sort of identification process I’ll be made to deny or confirm for any next of kins-i hope this Kelley Rae finds out it wasn’t son

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