Why Aren't Dangerous Dog Owners Charged With Animal Cruelty? by Dog Lover - Perspectives of Advocates

Guest Writer Dog Lover asks, "Why aren't dangerous dog owners charged with animal cruelty?" This editorial is part of our ongoing series: Perspectives of Advocates. Every day I see news articles about pets and farm animals being mauled or killed by pit bulls or other dangerous dog breeds. Touching pictures of other people's pets or farm animals mauled or killed are often featured in the articles and never fail to bring tears to my eyes. When you read the details of the article,… [Read full blog post]

Victoria Signals End to Unregistered Pit Bulls After Fatal Attack

30 Days Amnesty Melbourne, AU - In the wake of a little girl brutally killed by a pit bull-mix in a "home-invasion" attack, the Baillieu Government is rushing new laws through Parliament to arm council officers with the power to seize and destroy unregistered restricted dog breeds.1 Prior to this, crosses of restricted breeds could escape inclusion on the dangerous dogs register. Owners of pit bull crosses have one month to register their dogs or face the animal's seizure an… [Read full blog post]

After $2.2 Million Award, Dog Bite Victim Sue Gorman Says System is Still Flawed

Safety Issues Persist Gig Harbor, WA - On August 21, 2007, two pit bulls entered a residential home through a side sliding door and attacked a disabled woman while she slept. The victim, 59-year-old Sue Gorman, suffered serious injuries to her face, forearms and hands. Prior to the incident, animal control had made over a dozen visits to the home of the dogs' owners due to complaints by area residents. Gorman alone had called 911 at least ten times leading up to the attack. There… [Read full blog post]