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10 thoughts on “Announcement: Happy Birthday and Gratitude from a Reader

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  1. thank you colleen for providing the much needed objective information in a web of lies and propaganda to help charles and many others to make informed, educated decisions about gripping dogs and inspiring me and many others to start blogging.

  2. Happy Birthday DBO and thank you Colleen! I found DBO by accident, in October of 2007. It was SO good to know I was not alone. DBO has grown into a unique and incredible resource, quite an achievement.

  3. WOW, Look at that list of bloggers inspired and encouraged by the existence of DBO! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DBO!

  4. Happy Birthday

    Thank you for what you do! If I were younger and had more computer knowledge, I like to think that I would chose to be the role model that you have become. You have set the standard. When THE POWERS THAT BE around me were telling me that I wasn't normal and I had to get a "NEW NORMAL" in order to accommodate the neighbor's 4 Pit Bulls, I came upon your web site and I stayed on it night and day absorbing what real normal people were having to endure everywhere at the hands of ABNORMAL PEOPLE WHO USE THEIR BREED OF ANIMAL TO CONTROL AND THREATEN OTHERS, EVEN MAUL, MAIM AND KILL NORMAL PEOPLE GOING ABOUT THEIR NORMAL LIVES. Your honest factual information centers me each day and brings me back to the reality that I am a normal woman, mother, grandmother, animal lover, dog lover, and I know what normal feels like …..I had almost forgot that I knew this….that's what abnormal people and their vicious dogs do to neighbors – take the feeling of safety and peace and quiet away and make them feel that this is the "NEW NORMAL".


  5. Congratulations to a leader who has risen above her injuries when a pit bull destroyed one arm, shattered a bone, and was responsible for a steel plate placed in her arm. Colleen wanted to learn and help others from her tragedy. The greatest wish of a mauling victim is for no one else to experience what they have endured. Colleen has educated people with "just the facts." Colleen I know there are people who didn't experience what you did because of Thank you and God bless you always.

  6. I must say that after my son was attacked, I went searching on the internet for resources that could provide me answers and point me in the right direction. I stumbled upon and they provided me with vital information and statistics that aided in a successful lawsuit against irresponsible owners. I have and will continue to support as it stands alone as an avenue for victims of senseless violence by a group that seemingly lacks common sense. Thanks again!!!

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