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12 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bull Kills Male Owner in Bronx Apartment Building; Cops Fatally Shoot Dog

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  1. As stated, any dog can turn on you. But some are experts at it, can mask their mauling intent, and can see the job thru to conclusion with ease.

    The news of the day today would not be released by the journalists without the “any” dog angle.

    Either all dogs are killers or they are not.

    “We’ll leave that up to you viewers to decide.”

    wink wink

    • What certainly seems to be the case is that the victim did not know how to manage the dog. He seemed to be afraid of the dog too. I hope the back story of how he acquired the dog comes out.

  2. Does anyone know if this dog was neutered? If it was neutered, it likely came from a shelter. If intact, it didn’t come from a shelter.

    These cases are always sad. The owner had to let the dog out of the cage in order to clean the cage.
    Why did he have this dog? Was it a vicious Emotional Assistance dog?
    From the article, I believe the owner knew this dog was dangerous.
    Maybe he didn’t think the dog would turn on him.

  3. The building is new and looks nice; it sounds like the interior of that apartment was trashed. It sounds like this dog barked a lot and at least one of the neighbors was afraid of it. I don’t know if anyone complained but maybe management will take any future complaints seriously. My condolences to the victim’s family.

    • I’m sure the neighbors were delighted to hear the sacred utterances of the almighty doG. And, for the record, pit bulls are world-class barkers.

    • The brother called it ‘an unfortunate accident’. No dog attack is an “accident”. Bringing a dog into the home, esp. a bully breed is 100% risk-taking idiot behavior for the owners; and selfish inconsideration for the safety of others.

  4. I don’t understand if he knew the pitbull was dangerous and he only own him for 8 months and people warn him about the dog killing him why didn’t he put it to down he be alive today if he put him down. I don’t believe his family didn’t know how he got ahold of the pitbull did he adopt him did his friend give him to him did he find it.I think they knew the answer but they don’t want be known a pitbull support.

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