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19 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man, 33-Years Old, Killed by Dogs in Austin Neighborhood on Chicago's West Side

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    • I agree.
      I would prefer that dog had never been born.
      However if that pit was going to kill someone I would rather it kill the breeder than an innocent bystander or some kid.

      If someone had to loose at pit roulette, I am glad it was a pusher.

      The only way to win that game is not to play.

      This line really sets the scene:

      Several dogs were located inside the apartment.

      How many ?
      2?,3?,5?, More?

      Were they all XL or XXL Bullies?
      Did AC take them?

      Is it just me or are these questions that media should be getting the answers to rather than just publishing the statement from “officials”.

      They don’t even say who’s press release they are using.

      Even if it was “just” 2 XL Bullies, that is insane for an apartment.
      You might as well be raising hogs in your apartment.
      The hogs would be less likely to kill you.

      • The new photo we started using “Victim Identified,” was designed (in cynicism) because no information was provided except the victim’s name and the belief or confirmation of dogs being involved. In this case, it seems police told the media next to nothing. The victim’s name and age likely came from the Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office along with cause of death. Unfortunately, “shallow media reports” have become standard, along with when police do issue a press release, “media only rephrasing press release.” There is no other reporting at all.
        “Is it just me or are these questions that media should be getting the answers to rather than just publishing the statement from “officials”.
        CBS did identify the apartment building. The Sun-Times might follow up.

      • Is it just me or are these questions that media should be getting the answers to rather than just publishing the statement from “officials”.

        Nope, not just you Dr. Duke.

  1. “found unresponsive in the entrance to a two-flat building […]
    pronounced dead at the scene, and several dogs were found in the nearby apartment.”

    “Several” ought to mean four or more dogs. Assuming this information is correct and complete, it seems likely he was attacked inside his apartment and managed to get out and close the door behind him, leaving the dogs inside the flat. That must have been very difficult, as he was gravely injured and bulldogs are tenacious. Bleeding profusely, he tried to get outside for help (was his flat on the ground floor or did he have to go down stairs?). Whether or not he managed to get through the building’s front door, he collapsed and died there in the entranceway. At 8:30 p.m. on a Saturday night some unidentified person made the grizzly discovery.

    His Facebook style tended towards belligerence. RIP pitbull breeder. Maybe he has a business partner who can recover the inventory and carry on doing business. Offspring of man-killing dogs would fetch a premium I am sure.

  2. This is getting tiresome.

    If goats ran around slaughtering people indiscriminately at two per week or so, it would be illegal to own a goat.

    The amount of people killed by horses per year is so low, it’s a shocker when it happens and most times, it’s not an attack, anyway–the death was just the unfortunate result of a horse throwing off its rider or kicking out in panic or rage. And horses are a hundred times more useful to society than a pitbull.

    There are millions more pet cats around than dogs, and they’re more vicious and prey-driven in many cases but there isn’t a massive outbreak of cats committing murders (although surely it isn’t for lack of trying by some of them)

    Yet pitbulls are slaughtering people at the speed of 20 serial killers per year on the loose…but owning pitbulls is legal.

    Serial killers accomplices in their crimes can be charged with homicide even if they didn’t partake of the crime but knew what happened and did nothing to prevent it or in some cases, aided and abetted.

    If you bought/rescued/took home a pitbull, you’re an accomplice.

    If you *knew* it was acting aggressively, then you are aiding and abetting any mauling that happens after you knew.

    Because the statistics are out there.

    • Hey journos,

      It wasn’t a “tragic accident”…it was a criminally negligent homicide, at the very least.

      XL Bullies have been murdering people for years. You bring a known murderer home then claim innocence when it murders someone?

  3. This is why BSL *doesn’t* work. Too much wiffle-waffle.

    The law needs to be clear.

    See pitbull. Take pitbull in for euthanasia. Charge owner with owning a dangerous breed.

    We have BSL here. I went past a cafe and one guy had three pitbulls, one of which was barking and another guy was there with two pitbulls on the patio.

    How many seniors or children out there on that small patio having their lunch could have been caught in the middle of any aggression that happened? And those idiot owners thought they were going to control, respectively, two and three pitbulls *each*?

    I expect the owner of the cafe is too scared to tell these guys not to hang out on his patio.

    One of those guys is there all the time and he runs those pitbulls offlead on his apartment lawn (no fence).

    I’d bet there have been plenty of complaints and yet…no muzzles, pitbulls still there, no follow-through.

    BSL as it is written right now is useless and costly.

    Make it simple and effective. These people know pitbulls are dangerous. They refuse to comply with any regulations so let’s stop wasting time looking for their co-operation.

    There’s zero reason to own a fighting dog unless you’re a dogfighter so that’s how all their owners should be treated.

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