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9 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 60, Killed by Two Pit Bulls While House Sitting and Dog Sitting in Indianapolis, Indiana

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  1. There is a dog law I always obey. That is to never babysit pitbull type dogs. Many dog boarding facilities refuse them. Here’s the scenario. The owners are going out of town, and no facility will take the dogs. They call relatives and friends in desperation. Sometimes they have to leave without advance warning.

    I certainly don’t know the breed in this case was pitbull type dogs.
    I simply know the odds say it was. I feel badly for the person killed in this manner and her family. If people are killed on jobsites, government gets involved. Not true in private “accidents”.

  2. According to what I saw elsewhere, the woman was a sixty year old. The pitbulls got dirty in her garden and she was trying to bathe them. One bit her, and the other one jumped in to continue the mauling.

    If you find this is incorrect information, please delete it.

    Anyone without training in dog behavior has no business bathing someone else’s dogs. I personally have a lot of dog training, and I wouldn’t have done it. For starters, one does not attempt to bathe another dog while one is running loose. One dog must be in a crate, a different room, tied up elsewhere,etc.
    Of course, I don’t think like most people. I know what dogs can do. Use muzzles. I’ve told vet clinic staff to muzzle my dogs if they are worried about my dogs’ behavior. One vet tech sat on the floor to pull blood from my GSD. No muzzle. No restraint. My dog didn’t care.

  3. It sounds like Indianapolis police officers are aware by now there are killer dogs in the community. I’m sure systems are in place to prevent them from doing much about it.

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