Joni Hatcher, 59, was killed by two pit bulls while dog sitting in Caddo Parish.
Woman Killed
Shreveport, LA - A woman who was killed in a dog attack on July 7, 2024 has been identified by the Caddo Parish Coroner's Office. 59-year old Joni Hatcher was discovered deceased inside a home in the 7800 block of Womack Road just after 11:30 am, states a press release. Hatcher was last seen alive the night before around 8:00 pm by a neighbor who saw her checking the mailbox. A neighbor told investigators that Hatcher had been caring for the homeowner's dogs while he was gone.
Online property records show that Hatcher lived directly next door to the dog owner on Womack Road. Her death remains under investigation by the Caddo Parish Sheriff's Office. An autopsy has been ordered. The injuries she sustained were consistent with an animal attack, possibly a dog or dogs. No information was released about whether any dogs had been seized, or the breeds involved. No information was released about the dog's owner, except that he is male and was not present.
Brother Speaks Out
The victim's brother, Russell Hatcher, stated on Facebook on July 11 that pit bulls were to blame. "My sister was attacked by two pit bulls this past Sunday. She was mauled and lost her life while pet sitting. She was 59-years old. Her life ended too soon," he wrote. The investigation is still active. "We have not yet made arrangements for my sister, Joni Hatcher," he wrote. "As soon as the investigation is done, and they release her, we will let everyone know what we are going to do and when," he wrote.

Joni Hatcher, 59-years old, was killed by two pit bulls she was dog sitting in Caddo Parish.

Womack Road is where a woman was killed by dogs while dog sitting in Caddo Parish.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Pet sitter death? Not uncommon.
We’ve heard this scenario before. Who wants to take bets on the breed?
Someone who knew her(Jessica Covey Sauce) told me that it was an American Bully and that a Boxer was also possibly involved
So sad.
Between this case and the poor young lady who got her face chewed off hopefully the word gets out.
Friends don’t let friends pet sit pits.