2010 Dog Bite Fatality: 2-Year Old San Bernardino Boy Killed by Family Pit Bull

Front cover and anti-BSL article in Atomic Dogg, Winter 2010, Issue 12. Parents Adored Pits UPDATE 05/29/10: It was also reported Friday that the child's parents were pit bull aficionados. According to the Press-Enterprise, though the blinds were drawn at the family's home on Friday, pasted in a front window of the home was a sticker for Atomic Dogg Magazine, a magazine devoted to the "American Bully Breed," which is a pit bull characterized by a stocky body and oversized hea… [Read full blog post]

2010 Dog Bite Fatality: Pet Pit Bull Kills 3-Year Old Boy in Apple Valley

Omar Martinez, 3-years old, was killed by his family's pet pit bull. No Criminal Charges UPDATE 01/12/10: Investigators say they have found no evidence of negligence and have concluded that the death of Omar Martinez was a "misfortunate incident." This conclusion was drawn despite the pit bull's documented 30-year track record of seriously injuring and killing innocent children. At what point will authorities hold parents accountable for these preventable deaths? It… [Read full blog post]

2009 Dog Bite Fatality: 19-Month Old Boy Killed by Pit Bull-Mix at Babysitter's Home

Colten Smith, 17-months old, was killed by a pit bull-mix while under the care of a babysitter. Future In-Law's Dog UPDATE 10/27/09: Sheriff's Deputies confirmed that the 65-pound pit bull named Max did not belong to the babysitter, rather she had been "watching it" for a week for her future in-law's. This is despite the fact that a KMPH video shows a "Warning Security Dog" sign hanging on the babysitter's fence with rusted screws. A preliminary autopsy released Tuesday conf… [Read full blog post]

2008 Dog Bite Fatality: 2 Pit Bulls Attack, Kill 60-Year-Old Rubidoux Man

Deputies investigating the pit bull mauling death of Gerald Adelmund. Victim Killed by Own Dogs UPDATE 12/19/08: The Press-Enterprise reports the victim was the owner of the pit bulls. As expected, the larger male dog is now being described as a pit bull mastiff-mix and the smaller female dog as a pit bull. The dogs attacked him when he stepped outside of his home to smoke. Adelmund's family also authorized authorities to euthanize the female's nine puppies. Adelmund lived a… [Read full blog post]