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9 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Babysitter's XL Pit Bulls Kill Baby, Attack Teenager Inside Home in Bexar County, Texas

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  1. All three adult are dumb.the babysitter for owing not one but three vicious dangerous pitbull. the mom for letting this idiot owner to watch her precious son and the dad who also let her watch his baby.knowing she own pitbull. The mom of the baby was interview she knew that she own pitbull but she locked them in the room while he there. Why on earth would they trust pitbull owner not only that but her home was horrible conditions and heather she let her little girl watch the baby when she step out that when the dogs attack the baby .poor little girl she must be scared trying to save him brave little girl she is.

  2. I blame heather the most but the mom is dumb I know daycare is expensive but she should do her homework more.she own pitbull that red flag there .her house is horrible dirty and filthy. So why would she trust her to babysit her she in the pitbull cult that she believe are pitbull are good and bad owner .was she so desperate for someone to watch her son so she trust a pitbull owner sheesh she also would let crackhead watch her baby.

  3. I feel sorry for the baby I can’t imagine what he went through .three pitbull ripping and tearing with their sharp into his baby skin.gosh those dogs must be really strong if they can bust through hard wood lock door .and the girl she put him over her shoulder so the dogs can’t get him they must jump really high in order to get him and and she use her body to shield him.and lock the door and those monsters still killed him.

  4. Like the last two perps who are in jail for the murder by dogs, I hope this horrid, selfish woman does the maximum time in jail. My God, at SOME point it must make a difference in the numbers of people having these killer breeds!!?

  5. This home is a pigsty with the pig -size dogs. I would never leave anything there to be taken “care” of.

    Just imagine the ongoing life of that girl now, reliving the nightmare she went thru.

    Someday, I think – it will be established a real psychiatric disorder for that people that worship this kind of animals and projecting all kind of quality on them, they do NOT have, ignoring the potential danger for their children or for the people at large around this dogs… I will always wondering what is causing the real, but still perverted feeling of love towards this dangerous and ugly creatures .

    One more, beautiful life lost ….

  6. I like your idea of the sheriff’s office having a vicious dogs unit.

    AC has been taken over by zealots that believe there are “no bad dogs”.

    There needs to be someone to enforce laws against dogs and their owners.

    After all there is a reason the job used to be called “dog catcher”.

  7. I would just like to add the description of the attack read like a horror movie.

    Having to play keep away with a house full of hell hounds bound and determined to kill the baby.

    Going from room to room as they bust through doors, having to play tug of war with the dogs, using the baby as a rope until finally, in spite of putting the baby up as high as you can on the top of your head, one of the dogs climbs up on something else and rips the baby from your hands so it can have the satisfaction of mauling it to death.

    If you put that in a horror movie, people would claim it was unrealistic yet we have the account of how it happened right here.

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