Our GivingTuesday Challenge - We are on the Right Side of this Issue
The founder of DogsBite.org, Colleen Lynn, delivers keynote at victims' awareness day event.
GivingTuesday Challenge
DogsBite.org - On December 3, GivingTuesday, our nonprofit kicks off our annual fundraising drive that takes place at different times on social media, our mailing list and blog. On Tuesday, we are fundraising on Facebook for "We Are on the Right Side of this Issue." We need your help to make more communities "one step closer" to a safer community. We also need to your help to continue delivering the benchmark in U.S. fatal dog statistics -- the CDC abandoned this duty in 2000.
This year's GivingTuesday campaign focuses on themes from the keynote speech the founder delivered on October 24 on the steps of the Michigan State Capitol building in Lansing. The themes are stark: these public maulings persist because many local lawmakers and state legislators refuse to act, despite the fact that there are sensible and humane laws that can be enacted to protect public safety to reduce horrific maulings carried out by pit bulls every year.
DogsBite's GivingTuesday ChallengeIn late October, the founder of DogsBite.org delivered the keynote speech for the National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day event on the steps of the Michigan State Capitol building. The founder explains in the video why we are on the right side of this issue. Trying to make the world a safer place or trying to make a community "one step closer" to a safer community is always the winning side! Help us reach our $8k goal on GivingTuesday.
High profile maulings carried out by pit bulls began in the 1980s. These public maulings persist today because many local lawmakers and state legislators refuse to act. Instead, they remain silent and tolerate these barbaric attacks. The CDC tolerates them too. In the face overwhelming scientific evidence and decades of dog bite fatality data, lawmakers do nothing. Our government does nothing. "Humane" societies do nothing.
The right side of this public health issue is to DO SOMETHING, however small, to make a community "one step closer" to a safer community. A mandatory pit bull sterilization law is just that, and is the most basic safety step a community can take when pit bulls are disproportionally biting, disproportionally occupying shelter space and disproportionately being euthanized. That is the right side of the issue to be on!
How Does the Match Work?On GivingTuesday, Facebook will match up to $7 million dollars -- on a first come, first served basis. The Facebook match starts at 5:00am PST (8:00am EST). The match is expected to last "seconds" -- less than one minute. This incredulous speed is part of the challenge! Hundreds of thousands of nonprofits are competing for these match dollars! See the official rules.
During GivingTuesday, Facebook will not charge transaction fees on donations to nonprofits. This is a small thing, but many of our donors want their full donation amount going to DogsBite! Other ways of giving that do not have transaction fees are mailing in a check to DogsBite.org or giving to our PayPal Giving Fund page. Also, sharing this post with a friend or sharing our GivingTuesday campaign on your Facebook page helps introduce new people to our nonprofit and our cause!
Finally, the founder's full keynote speech was 25 minutes in length (versus three minutes of highlights). The initially chilly outdoor event did incur some weather and audio and video "challenges." If there is a portion of the keynote followers of this blog would like to see in video, just let us know in comments. If you are an animal control officer, do not miss pages 4-5. If you are a medical researcher, policy maker or dog bite victim's attorney, do not miss pages 7-8.

This is part of the Pit Bull Trends statistics released by DogsBite.org in mid-October 2019.
Related articles:
10/21/19: Special Event at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing Honoring National Pit Bull Victim Awareness Day
Check’s in the mail!
“Our government does nothing.” A few weeks ago, I mailed my first contribution, to “do something”, for 25 month Advocate. I have found that I am powerless to counter multiple entrenched layers of far worse than “do nothing”. This morning, I phoned my stock broker, and he said I can add DogsBite.org to my TOD account. He is mailing me the paperwork to do so.
Unfortunately we have the kind of government where the lobbyists with the most money win, and that’s not the victims.
Not on FB but I did follow the PayPal button at the top of the page. Thank you for your dedication and hard work, Colleen.
Colleen, I just signed up for a monthly donation. I admire your bravery and strength to keep fighting the good fight. I have lost many FB friends for posting any negative stories about this ongoing scourge. We can only continue to try and educate the public about the risks these dogs pose. The national media will not tackle this issue. In fact, woven within almost every newscast is a dog story, often featuring a “hero” pit.Ugh! As a mother and grandmother, my greatest concern is with the children. They’re so often the victims of ignorance. Keep up the great work you do. Even if one life is saved, it’s worth it.
I consider this one of the top two most important sites on the internet, I will always give to keep it going. Someone MUST be around to counter the enormous number of lies and the the massive disinformation campaign dedicated to bloodsport dogs.
A reminder to everyone that you can use Amazon Smile to donate a portion of every Amazon purchase you make to Dogsbite. Smile is completely free–the donation comes out of Amazon’s share, it doesn’t affect the price you pay at all–and easy to set up.
https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_aas_redirect?ie=UTF8&ref_=smi_se_ft_abt_saas gives all the details. It’s not a huge amount of money per purchase, but if more of us do it it can really add up. And if you’re going to shop on Amazon anyway, it’s definitely worth it.