A pit bull killed its 41-year old male owner in a Bronx apartment building on Simpson Street.
Pit Bull Kills Owner
Bronx, NY - A 41-year old man is dead after being viciously attacked by his own pit bull. NYPD officers responded to a building in the 1200 block of Simpson Street in the Longwood neighborhood just after 3:00 am Friday morning. Upon arrival, they found the pit bull clamped onto the man's throat. Officers open fired on the dog multiple times, killing it. The man was transported to St. Barnabas Hospital where he was pronounced dead. FNTV captured footage of NYPD police and detectives at the scene.
News 12 spoke to Debra Graham, who witnessed the attack. Graham warned the victim to get rid of the dog just days before the attack. "I said if you don't get rid of that dog, that dog's going to hurt you," she said. The victim had owned the dog for about 8 months. He kept it locked in a cage because it was vicious. "I don't know how the dog got out of the cage," she said, "but he did." Graham called 911. "One officer shot one shot, and one officer shot two shots, and the dog went down," Graham said.
An unidentified neighbor feared the male pit bull, "Max," even though the dog appeared calm. “I told him that dog was no good. It’s a pit bull, they go berserk,” he told the NY Post. The neighbor was concerned that he could been the one killed. "It could have been me. With any dog, they could turn any minute.” He said he hung out with the victim last night. "I was just with him last night," he said. "Everything was cool. He was cooking. Salmon cakes. It sucks. Here one day, next day you’re gone."
The victim has since been identified as 41-year old Kaeem Robinson.
The affordable housing building where the attack occurred entered the housing lottery just one year ago. It's unclear why a vicious pit bull locked in a cage, barking excessively, was allowable in the building. WABC reports that dogs must be registered with management. Robin's relatives were happy that he had finally found a home after years of struggles. Robinson previously lived in a shelter. What remains unknown is where Robinson acquired the dog, and if the dog came from the shelter system.
Robinson's sister, Kayesha Barnett, said she only recently found out about the dog. "We just found out about the dog ourselves, so we aren't too sure, we're trying to find out who he got the dog from, but that's all we actually know," Barnett said. Building resident Gilbert Durecou, who also called 911, told the NY Daily News he heard the vicious attack. "You could hear the biting," he said. "That dog was really tearing him up." Durecou said the cops had to "break the door down" to reach the victim.

The building where the fatal pit bull attack occurred, and the victim, Kaeem Robinson.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
As stated, any dog can turn on you. But some are experts at it, can mask their mauling intent, and can see the job thru to conclusion with ease.
The news of the day today would not be released by the journalists without the “any” dog angle.
Either all dogs are killers or they are not.
“We’ll leave that up to you viewers to decide.”
wink wink
Does anyone know if this dog was neutered? If it was neutered, it likely came from a shelter. If intact, it didn’t come from a shelter.
These cases are always sad. The owner had to let the dog out of the cage in order to clean the cage.
Why did he have this dog? Was it a vicious Emotional Assistance dog?
From the article, I believe the owner knew this dog was dangerous.
Maybe he didn’t think the dog would turn on him.
There’s a comment on this site {from a retired sheriff I think} that says something to effect of:
“The pit bull is liar. It can act peaceful and happy as you walk up to it while laying down your guard. And then it will attack you in an instant.”
Not only will they mask their intention to attack, but they will also be as happy as a child opening a birthday present as they maul the surprised victim. That’s when they are at their happiest.
Kareem might have thought “He’s in a good mood today. Should be OK to let him out of the cage.”
Don’t let the mistake he made happen to you.
I believe this is a very true statement.
My husband approached a neighbors chained pit bull who was acting friendly; he rolled on his back as if he was going to welcome a belly rub, as soon as my husband reached down to pet him he growled and jumped up ready to attack. Thank goodness he was on a chain and my husband was able to get away.
The building is new and looks nice; it sounds like the interior of that apartment was trashed. It sounds like this dog barked a lot and at least one of the neighbors was afraid of it. I don’t know if anyone complained but maybe management will take any future complaints seriously. My condolences to the victim’s family.
I’m sure the neighbors were delighted to hear the sacred utterances of the almighty doG. And, for the record, pit bulls are world-class barkers.
Will be interesting to find out if the Pit Bull was adopted from a local animal shelter.
What? A sacred *rescue* dog would cause harm to its *rescuer*?
(Sarcasm off.)
Exactly, Quiet.
A dog is a dog is a dog. Rescued dogs don’t feel “gratitude”–it’s ludicrous on the face of it.
A dog with good temperament is a dog with good temperament.
My #1 rule I tell people looking for a dog is “do not get a dog you feel sorry for. Or you will spend the rest of the dog’s life feeling sorry you chose it”.
The amount of bullshite sob stories I’ve heard from people about their dogs would fill Encyclopedia Britannica twice over. 90% of which is either in their, or the dog seller’s head to justify paying thousands of dollars for a local mutt.
(I like mutts. Nothing wrong with them. Just let them be mutts–they don’t need a Victorian novel attached as a history)
The brother called it ‘an unfortunate accident’. No dog attack is an “accident”. Bringing a dog into the home, esp. a bully breed is 100% risk-taking idiot behavior for the owners; and selfish inconsideration for the safety of others.
I believe the great Waylon Jennings said it best (the song was written by Mel Tillis):
All in all if the curtain should fall I hope that it lands on you.
I don’t wish for pit owners to get attacked.
However if attacks are going to happen it only seems fair that the owners are the victims.
Another case closed with a ruling of ” F around, find out”.
I feel for this guy, I really do.
All that struggle, he finally gets an affordable, safe place to live. He’s grieving the death of his daughter.
Then he gets wrapped up in the Pitbull Cult likely due to his brother-in-law and in his vulnerability, is convinced to take home a serial killer as a “pet” to keep him company. That’s a very common thing to do. If he asked for help because the pitbull was unmanageable, the cultists would shame him and demand he feed and walk and maybe “train” his abuser until it killed him.
After all, to them, he’s not important, only the pitbull has value.
If there was a Beagle Cult, this guy might be alive today. If pitbulls were 100% illegal, he would also be alive today.
Did he make poor choices? Yes. He risked his housing just to keep that dog–who supported *that* idea? Clearly not his family as he didn’t tell them he had the dog.
None of that mean he deserved to die in such a wretched manner.
His solution to a viscous dog, is locking it in a cage! Makes sense! 🤦♀️ I’m just glad he’s the only one that was hurt as a result of his stupidity. Why would he be allowed to have a dog, a pitbull at that, in government housing!