Advice About Breeding Your Pit Bull: Stop Breeding Pit Bulls - In 2018, dog bite attorney Kenneth Phillips began a Do Not Adopt a Pit Bull campaign with a Super Bowl-themed video. We most recently wrote about this campaign in late March, noting that a Michigan-based rescue was promoting a free roll of "coveted toilet paper" for the adopter of a pit bull-mix named "Tootie" during their "coronavirus sale." We warned then and continue to warn today, do not adopt a pit bull, especially right now, during the coronavirus crisis.
On Friday April 10, Phillips released a new video, Advice About Breeding Your Pit Bull, which shares the stark figures of the backyard breeding of pit bulls. "There are 4.5 million pit bulls in the USA and 2.4 million of them are up for sale or adoption. More than half," he states. Since last year, "backyard breeders have added another 600,000 unwanted pit bulls to the USA dog population. Pit bulls equal 6% of all the dogs in this country but 50% of all the dogs in shelters."
"One-third of all the pit bulls in the USA are euthanized every year because there are too many of them." - Kenneth Phillips,
Cities that have adopted breed-specific laws, such as pit bull bans and mandatory pit bull sterilization, are the only jurisdictions that are escaping this reality. These laws are not only for the health and safety of the public, they regulate and whereby reduce an otherwise "unchecked" continuous cycle of new unwanted pit bulls coming into a community, many of which will end up in the shelter system where another desperate advertisement for an unwanted Tootie is created.
"Clearly the breeding of pit bulls is cruel to the dogs, most of which end up homeless and a third of which end up euthanized," Phillips states. "This dog is also intolerably expensive for society, in shelter costs, medical bills, and the tremendous suffering of victims. So my advice for breeding your pit bull is … don't. Stop breeding pit bulls. Do the dog a favor," Phillips states. Pit bulls are the number one canine killer of adults and children and the number one canine killer of women.
"They are the killers of 90% of all pets and horses killed by dogs." - Phillips
"If you don't care about your community, do yourself a favor. When pit bulls attack or kill people, most of the time the victim is the pit bull's owner, or the owner's child, or the owner's parents. Most of the time," Phillips emphasizes. "If you love your family, your community -- heck, if you love pit bulls -- do not breed your pit bull," Phillips states. During the 15-year period of 2005 to 2019, pit bulls killed 346 Americans. Over half of those deaths, 53%, involved killing a family member.
You can help spread the word by sharing this video or its Facebook counterpart on social media. Remember, pit bulls and their mixes only comprise 6 to 7% of the total U.S. dog population, but make of 50% of shelter dogs. Roughly one-third of the entire pit bull population is euthanized annually and is abundantly replenished each year by the backyard breeding of pit bulls. This is unheard of in any dog breed population. There is no other dog breed to make a comparison with.

There are more unwanted pit bulls than pit bulls in homes. Screen in video.
Related articles:
03/20/20: Do Not Adopt A Pit Bull: Rescue and Shelter Shenanigans During the Coronavirus
10/19/19: A Pit Bull Adoption Disaster: Animal Aggression, Anti-Anxiety Medication and More
02/01/19: Dog Bite Attorney Creates Second Super Bowl Themed Video Reminding the Public...
Quote snip: ” “If you love your family, your community — heck, if you love pit bulls — do not breed your pit bull,” Phillips states. ”
This statement hits the nail squarely on the head, at the sole, root source of this disease.
This disease is a spiritual malady. Evil hates Love. Not having love for neighbor equates to hate for neighbor. Hate-based people, hate-based societies are breeding grounds for hate-based dangerous animals. Love-based people, love-based societies are not breeding grounds for hate-based animals.
THIS. It’s a problem caused by the pit bull community, period. They breed excess dogs, rescue the excess dogs, impound the excess dogs. The taxpayers euthanize the excess dogs. Only the pit community can stop this.
The free roll of toilet paper reminds me of seeing a horse saddle sold at an auction. Horse prices were bad so you had to agree to take the horse wearing the saddle home. The horse was free.
Frankly, if a better class of people had pit bulls, the problem wouldn’t exist. The pit bulls, in my opinion, are being bred by the uneducated, often criminal part of our world. And those people don’t care what their dogs do, as they have no money and nothing of value.
I really don’t understand why pit bull breeding is still happening in 2020. No one needs a pit bull for anything in today’s society. They are not family dogs. They are not working dogs. They are KILLING dogs. Murderous beasts do not belong in society.
The fact that shelters are 50% pit bull (I personally think the number is probably higher considering how often these dogs are intentionally mislabeled) is horrifying. And if they aren’t purebred, they’re probably still mixed with it, making the number even higher. And people wonder why we see so many people not going to animal shelters for pets. That fact that they make of 6% of all dogs and 50% of shelter dogs shows that these dogs are NOT coveted. Breeding them needs to be a crime punishable by law.
My significant other spend two years perusing shelter websites for a dog, with no pit bull awareness his remark to me was that 75-80% of the dogs he’d seen on the shelter sites were pit bull types.
My next door neighbor bought a blue nose pit bull puppy. She paid $250 for him. She thought that was a lot of money for a dog. (!) she bred him to her little and old tiny pit bull female and sold all of the puppies.
She kept one male though. The sire killed him when they were fighting at the gate. A few months later her dog went over a five foot wooden fence in her yard (actually twelve feet from the ground but he got on a planter.) He attacked the dog in the next backyard. This was a dog he could not see.
As a result we put six foot kennel fencing around our yard so he couldn’t kill our dogs.
After a point we didn’t hear or see the little pit anymore. Don’t know what happened to her.
I can’t understand why you would want to own a pet like that. And that’s considering that I own a doberman and have owned them for about thirty years or so. People lump them together but dobes are in another realm. Yes, I know about the woman in Texas.
When I rescued my Rotti/Shepherd it was from a no kill shelter that was 90-95% Pit Bulls. When I walked into the shelter my little Maggie was wagging her tail while the majority of the Pit Bulls where barking, growling, and biting their cages trying to get at me. I have now had Maggie for over 13 years. Maggie is gentle as can be with people and other dogs. She was said to be a cat killer but I don’t have cats. I have never given her the chance to be around cats.
There is only one change I would make to Kenneth’s video and that would be to use the word warehoused/warehousing before the word shelter.
Years ago I ready a study out of Canada that used American shelter statistics related to pit bulls in part of their efforts to ban the breed. I seem to recall that only 1 in 5 pits born are not turned over to shelters or rehomed due to behaviors. Can anyone comment on this?
“are turned over”
I really wish there was some rule that pitbulls had to be on a euthanization priority list for shelters. They really should be the first to be put down whenever a shelter gets full. It’s clearly not like there’s any shortage of them. We really need to get their numbers down and clogged up shelters euthanizing the abundance of pitbulls they have would really help that. I really don’t understand the point of keep them alive to eat up resources when the majority of the country doesn’t want one. I also totally agree with the earlier comments that suggest the numbers of pits in shelters is higher than 50% that the video claims. It think it’s probably closer to 75%.
I think they should be put down the day they are brought in to the shelters. They aren’t safe to recycle back into the community plus all the things you said.
I agree. I am sick of my tax dollars being spent to subsidize a type of dog that will result in even more tax money spent in medicaid payments to (many times unsuccessfully) stitch mauling victims back together again.
You want a pit, go pay full retail for one. Maybe all the “adopt don’t shop” types would quit parading pits around then.
Their own advocates incorrectly state “Is is all how they are raised”. Shelters need to get a backbone and say since they don’t know how the pits they get were raised it isn’t worth the risk. The only way this will happen is when they are held financially liable for the carnage that recycled shelter pits cause.