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7 thoughts on “Traveling by Air with Service Animals - Comments from Airlines and Airline Trade Associations Pertaining to Breed Restrictions

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  1. The weight of the content and the process of the comments from airlines and airline trade associations regarding breed restrictions show that the industry is in favor of airlines having an effective voice in on-site risk management. It is nice to know that the industry is in favor of swinging this dangerously far-flung pendulum back to a somewhat reasonable point that puts obvious risk concerns ahead of most-often times fabricated “service” concerns. Also, Captain “Sully” Sullenberger has weighed in on this issue, too. I pray that the spirit of Love, Truth and Safety is able to reach the Department of Transportation!

  2. I really hope they make the right decision. Breed restrictions can only be a good thing. There is literally no downside to implementing laws to keep the majority of paying customers safe.

  3. Airlines are solely concerned about money and not getting sued for endangering the lives of passengers. However, it’s still HUGE that they may decide to permanently ban these insanely dangerous maulers from traveling freely inside the cabin with paying passengers. You’ll understand if I’m not overly impressed with the airlines, given their track record. I no longer travel by plane at all, which is my sane, rational choice. …Especially as airlines also strip us of our right to carry even so much a sharp pen or the basic necessities to physically defend ourselves from maulers while on their aircraft. No one has the right to expose me to mauling and death. Excuse me if I am not overly impressed with the fascist airline industry finally catching up to Common Sense. They are pretty much basically out of business now, during this Pandemic, and NOW is the time to demand from this industry ALL of our basic rights back. Take what is ours; Basic Physical Safety; Adequate Personal Space; CHOICE, edible food, Not To Be Locked in an Aircraft With Lions, Tigers, Pit Bulls, Dogo Argentos, presa canarios, Boa constrictors, etc., etc.

  4. Since neither “dog training” nor “service animal training” are regulated industries, any potential airline passenger could put any trainer on their form. Such a loophole should never be permitted to get its foot in their [safety] door.

  5. I’m gonna say it. What no one is “allowed” to say in this argument about service dogs. A person with a true disability requiring a service dog cannot train their own. It is just not possible. The training is so rigorous and many dogs fail out. Also, it would be impossible for say, a blind person to train a seeing-eye dog. Just think about the logistics of it. I once tried to work with a service dog training company and I was shocked that a dog could be in training for a long time and if it chased a squirrel or showed fear getting on an elevator, even the first time, it was removed from the program and sold as a pet. The dogs also came from a dedicated kennel that had over 10 generations of breeding records and that kept a very strict breeding line. They did not add genes to the stock lightly. The temperament (personality and behaviors) of individuals is extremely important in dog breeding and it is a gene that is passed on.

    • This is mostly correct, but not entirely with help I’d be perfectly capable of training my own service dog. Yes I’d require help, but I’m not physically disabled from training one. Nor do I need or want a “therapy” animal but an animal that can help maintain my functionality.

      My only caveat about breed restriction is where will it begin and end? German shepherds make perfectly capable service dogs but they don’t look as friendly as labs. It is for that reason I am leaning towards a Shepard rather than a lab. I don’t want an aggressive dog, but I also would not be able to handle fifty million people bumb rushing me to pet a golden or lab.

      Diagnosis: Bipolar, Cptsd, Disassociative Identity Disorder.

      Tasks I need help with. : Blackouts, flashbacks, memory (taking meds, finding an exit, being able to retrieve my phone, spouse, Alerting for episodes, be they manic or PTSD, compression therapy, alerting me to people or changes, alerting me to switches, and more. >>

      Those are all things a therapy dog isn’t capable of doing because it’s not cuddling I want. And people rush towards labs. But A old vet I met had a german shepherd great dog, well trained, and people never approached that dog without asking. And unfortunately, I would do better if people alerted me before approaching me.

    • I’m so sorry but I’m going to reply. If you have any disability like epilepsy, diabetes, heart problems…you most certainly do need to train your own in a sense. (I personally got a one on one trainer , and I would suggest the same to others with similar issues, that came to my home…because if you have epilepsy you can’t drive)
      Why? These service animals need to be with you from puppyhood. They need to know your smells, your regular personality vs when you’re off, your routines etc. They do their job based on these things. You cannot just go buy a service dog ready made for certain disabilities, because we eat different food, use different shampoo, have different routines and personalities. Have you ever even met 2 identical autistic people? No. (My epilepsy, so far, is unlike anyone else I’ve come across.)So how do they train these dogs without them?And then let’s remember, getting a service dog through one of these organizations is less than easy. It’s expensive, ranging from 15,000 to 25,000. If you’re disabled you likely don’t have an xtra 1000, never mind 15-25k. The waiting lists are long and you “may or may not be a good fit” which they’ll tell you up front. And I hope you have money to take off for a month cause most places require you come spend a couple weeks in order to see if it’s a good fit. Hopefully in the meantime, the year and a half you’ve been waiting, you haven’t had any major mishaps. You can apply for grants but good luck, they have waiting lists too.
      Now while I agree that ESA and fake SA vests being slapped on just any dog is unacceptable, and I do believe we, those with legitimate disabilities and legitimately trained service animals should have some form of proof that says so, I believe it should be some form of ID. Allegiant denied my very polite Aussie because my trainer wasn’t on this “list” but last I checked as an American citizen my trainer and the stack of paperwork (I provided out of courtesy) was a direct violation of my rights.

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