First responders rescue a woman after she was attacked by her own pit bull.
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Mobile, AL - In a dramatic "owner attack" inflicted by a family pit bull, raw news video shows Mobile Fire and Rescue pulling a 51-year old woman out of a window of her home in the 4300 block of Government Blvd. Both of her hands were paritally severed in the attack. The 38-minute footage by NBC 15 shows the woman being hoisted through a window onto a gurney (8:30). First responders quickly wrap yellow plastic over her body once she is placed onto the gurney.
Animal control appears on scene next to a haul off the animal. A male pit bull with blood on its coat is seen being taken from the home by a catchpole (19:00). WKRG footage captures police boarding up the window afterward -- first responders had to break the window to rescue the woman. A person close to the family said the pit bull belonged to the woman. The dog also had a history of dog aggression, the person said. There were three dogs in the victim's household.
In the news report released by NBC 15, they state that first responders first pried open the front door, but the attacking pit bull was still inside. So they yelled out to the woman and discovered which room she was in then quickly broke the nearest window to reach her. The "window rescue" was necessary because apparently shooting the dog was not an option and, of course, animal control could not arrive in time -- nor can any department respond as quickly as police and fire.
A commenter on the NBC 15 Facebook thread claims he lived "next-door to that dog for two years" and that the dog had previously attacked the victim. The dog "should've been put down eight months ago when it attacked her the first time when she needed 200 stitches." Ken Dombroski Jr., goes on to say the pit bull also charged his dog, a pit bull-mix named Rufus. The victim's sister told NBC 15 she got the dog two years ago and "has no clue what happened."

A neutered family pit bull was taken into custody after attacking its owner in Mobile, Alabama.
Pit Bulls Attacking Their Owners
So far this year, pit bulls have inflicted six deadly "owner attacks." Of the 22 fatal pit bull attacks since January, 68% (15) involved a pit bull killing a family member. There have been many high profile nonfatal "owner attacks" by pit bulls involving dramatic rescues as well. In September, firefighters in Springfield, Ohio had to climb through a window to rescue Kathy Engle, 51, and a 4-year old child she was babysitting from Engle's own attacking pit bull, which had a bite history.
Also in September, a Des Moines police officer sped onto a woman's front lawn and shot the pit bull attacking her. Sandra Riggan, 49, was moving out of her home with the help of two movers, when her own pit bull suddenly attacked her. "I thought I was going to see her die in front of me today," said her friend Pamela Dishman, who witnessed the attack. "It was horrible. I mean, I'm watching my friend and she's being attacked, almost killed it seems like," Dishman said.
Riggan later posted graphic photographs of her injuries on her Facebook page and her GoFundMe page, where not a single donation was ever left. In a September 8 post -- one day after the violent attack -- Riggan stated in a Facebook post showing a photo of her three pit bulls, I "still love my dogs." In a September 22 post, Riggan claims the attack was redirected aggression. The male pit bull was actually after the movers, but attacked her instead because he could not reach them.
"He stopped attacking as long as I was letting him try to get in the house at those movers." - Sandra Riggan, Facebook, September 22, 2018
In August, firefighters in West Palm Beach had to climb through a second story window to rescue two people after their pit bull attacked them. Neighbors told CBS 12 the owners knew the dog was vicious. There was even a Beware of Dog sign on their door. The pit bull apparently "barricaded" its owners upstairs after the attack, forcing firefighters to enter through the window. That is your tax dollars at work, saving pit bull owners from their own dogs with a known history of aggression.
In July, police in Taylor Mill, Kentucky carried out the dramatic rescue of two pit bull owners. When police arrived the family pit bull was actively attacking one of its owners in the backyard, while its owner moaned, "Shoot it please." The officer open fired on the dog. "On more shot," the officer shouted. "He's still breathing, put him out of his misery." When police stepped into the home, it looked like the scene of a massacre with blood on the floor, furniture and up and down the walls.
Family members said the 4-year old pit bull, named Rocky, did not have a history of aggression. The injured owner lying in the backyard, who was "bleeding out everywhere" and required an ambulance, "ASAP," according to police officers at the scene, uttered to the officers, "That dog, he's been good forever. And thank you for killing him." All-in-all, Rocky the "good" family pit bull, viciously attacked two family members, sending both of them to the hospital with serious injuries.
Though details in the most recent dramatic "owner attack" by a pit bull in Mobile, Alabama remain light, there is evidence the pit bull was dog-aggressive, yet was living in a home with two other dogs. The victim's partially severed hand injuries are also indicative of trying to break up a dog fight involving a pit bull. The naïve saying, "It could never happen to me" or worse, "It could never happen to me again," routinely leads to severe and fatal bite injuries to owners of pit bulls.
Six days after the "owner attack" in Mobile, a neighbor started a GoFundMe page for the victim and identified her as Bambi Reynolds Morrow. At least one hand had to be amputated in the days following the attack. Both of her arms, hands and one leg were severely injured in the attack.

Mobile Fire & Rescue pull a woman through a window after she was attacked by her pit bull.
Related articles:
10/15/18: 2018 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Dies After Being Mauled by Family Pit Bull in D.C.
09/27/18: 2018 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bull Adopted Two Weeks Earlier Kills Woman in Maryland
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Each year there are more and more “family owned pit fatalities”, yet pit owners continue to defend their dogs. What is it going to take for people to realize these dogs have DNA in them that requites them to act on their bloodlines, even though they can be sweet little pibbles in the meantime.
Obviosly, pit owners have no regard for the deaths and destruction their dogs might inflict upon other people or animals, but surely, they are getting tired of being eaten alive by their own pets.
What is there to say? This story really speaks for itself. There is no positive spin to owning a pit bull. The entire community is put at risk, and the entire community pays for each attack. All of this for the simple choice of a pet.
I watched the video and tried really hard not to read the comments on the side. Some are trying to say it was a pregnant female (poor thing. And the puppies!) or that it was a lab. The idiocy makes my head hurt.
It looks morbidly obese in the photo… unless it is actually pregnant?
Thankfully that dog was not put down, so it can live to maul again. /sarc
As always, I am grateful it was the owner that was attacked, and not an innocent victim, because this killer dog was going to kill someone. It was just a matter of time. This owner seems like an especially deluded member of the PBC (Pit Bull Cult), in that even being attacked previously and getting 200 stitches, didn’t make her waver one bit from her pit bull fanaticism.
That was pitbull was obviously spoiled and pampered…you can tell by its girth. Not exercised nor trained to fight. I doubt the owner trained it to attack and maul her, either. The only possible explanation for its actions can be genetics.
Exactly what I was going to say. No dogfighter or game dog breeder is going to have a rotund animal like that in their dog yard. It’s safe to say this pit never missed a meal or was denied a treat.
It’s shocking that such a fat dog was able to inflict such injuries… you’d expect it to keel over halfway through with a heart attack looking like it does :/
Lawmakers have to stop listening to the nonsense about breed specific laws which is spouted by the owners of bully dogs like pit bulls. Since 2006 there have been 3 psychological studies which focused on the personality and behavioral traits of the owners of pit bulls and other high-risk breeds of dog. A study published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence showed a link between ownership of high-risk dog breeds and deviant behaviors, crimes against children and domestic violence. Another study concluded that “vicious dog ownership may be a simple marker of broader social deviance.” A third study established that the owners of high-risk breeds of dog displayed more antisocial thinking styles, have an arrest history significantly higher than owners of other dogs, and engage in fighting to a significantly greater degree than other dog owners. They also had higher levels of overall criminal thinking patterns to go with the actual criminal behavior. These people, who are fixated on the animals that kill, maim and terrorize, are not the people that a lawmaker needs in his camp. Reasonable people want fair laws that provide a solution to the obvious problems caused by pit bulls.- Kenneth Phillips
Health insurance companies should have policies that medical treatment for victims injured by their own dogs is not covered, and those injuries are considered self-inflicted. These people will never stop. She “still loves her dogs”. She probably would love them a little less if we the taxpayers hadn’t paid for her ambulance and further treatment, so she would have lost her house and had to live under the bridge or in a homeless shelter, still being tens of thousands of dollars in debt for her treatment.