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23 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Babysitter's XL Pit Bulls Kill Baby, Attack Teenager Inside Home in Bexar County, Texas

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  1. Like the last two perps who are in jail for the murder by dogs, I hope this horrid, selfish woman does the maximum time in jail. My God, at SOME point it must make a difference in the numbers of people having these killer breeds!!?

  2. This home is a pigsty with the pig -size dogs. I would never leave anything there to be taken “care” of.

    Just imagine the ongoing life of that girl now, reliving the nightmare she went thru.

    Someday, I think – it will be established a real psychiatric disorder for that people that worship this kind of animals and projecting all kind of quality on them, they do NOT have, ignoring the potential danger for their children or for the people at large around this dogs… I will always wondering what is causing the real, but still perverted feeling of love towards this dangerous and ugly creatures .

    One more, beautiful life lost ….

  3. I like your idea of the sheriff’s office having a vicious dogs unit.

    AC has been taken over by zealots that believe there are “no bad dogs”.

    There needs to be someone to enforce laws against dogs and their owners.

    After all there is a reason the job used to be called “dog catcher”.

  4. I would just like to add the description of the attack read like a horror movie.

    Having to play keep away with a house full of hell hounds bound and determined to kill the baby.

    Going from room to room as they bust through doors, having to play tug of war with the dogs, using the baby as a rope until finally, in spite of putting the baby up as high as you can on the top of your head, one of the dogs climbs up on something else and rips the baby from your hands so it can have the satisfaction of mauling it to death.

    If you put that in a horror movie, people would claim it was unrealistic yet we have the account of how it happened right here.

  5. Why wasn’t the teen who fought to save the baby and was also bitten TAKEN TO THE HOSPITAL to be examined?! I hope she’s taken into the foster system to receive proper mental health care and live in a clean, non-chaotic situation. Just horrible.

  6. It’s my guess that the bullies could be expensive dogs. Why would one turn over expensive dogs when those people expect lots of money for the puppies. The dogs should all be euthanized. The owner cannot control the dogs. CPS needs to take the child. How
    could one give these dogs to someone who cannot control them. This will happen again. How would one control it?

  7. That was one of the saddest things I have read on here. The mother( the hired babysitter) left her 13yr old in charge of a 1 yr old. Then she takes off for who knows where ( drugs), and the poor young girl tries her best to protect the baby from multiple monster super sized pitbulls. All of them probably descended from Kimbo , a stud dog that spread his seed all over the world. He got around , or at least his sperm did. He had human aggression .
    Next, the mother of the teenager comes back and is ONLY worried about the dogs , and is angry the authorities took her monsters. Was she even concerned for the poor 13 year old child ? That was a very sad story to read for not only the death of an innocent child but for everyone involved in that needless death.

  8. Each of us should want to do what we can to make people be and feel safe. Is this not what makes us civilized? How can we not see through people who want to believe owning dogs that can attack and harm people is a form of kindness?

    I would never own a dog because I will not deny the evidence dogs are the largest source of pathogens in urban environments and the fourth largest cause of injuries. I happily do what I can to help make people be and feel safe. That people try to say I am uncaring for opposing owning dogs is duplicitous nonsense.

    I also do not drink and drive, smoke or try to impose ideologies on others. Many of the most precious freedoms are freedom from the horrible things inconsiderate people impose on others. We only enjoy the rights and freedoms enough of us have agreed to respect.

    • I could not agree more Peter! I used to be a dog owner and considered myself a “dog person”. After living most of my life in urban areas with inconsiderate dog-owning neighbors and friends, I’m done!

      • Thank you Dayna. I also grew up with dogs. My father was a dog lover who let our dog wander around the neighbourhood unleashed. Our dog attacked a police officer riding a motorcycle. He attacked me while I was riding a toboggan. My father enjoyed having authority ranking relationships and loved the dog because it would do what my father ordered. My father did not treat humans well because they had minds of their own and would not play fetch.

        I also had eczema so bad it would bleed. When my mother had finally had enough and got rid of the dog my eczema disappeared. As a child I considered my mother cruel for not wanting the dog in our home. As an adult I increasingly came to appreciate how my mother was actually more caring and responsible than my father. She cared enough to not deny the dangers dogs inflicted on humans. She was authentically kind.

    • Well while I don’t contest in any way your fear of germs and dogs, this type of dog is very unique among animals that were domesticated. The greatest majority of dogs go through life never biting or hurting, any type of animals or people. As long as puppies properly socialized they DO NOT bite or rip someone to pieces or ever even put their mouth on someone once they get past the mouthy puppy stage. Even unsocialized dogs do not usually attack people, with the exception of pit bulls of course because socialization can’t undue the genetic differences that make them behave this way!! Mouthy puppies rarely ever break the skin because they have been taught by the mother dog & litte mates that it isn’t okay to bite hard. So let’s not go lumping all dogs in with vicious pit bulls or even Rottweilers!
      That being said this story was very sad! I have read that the babysitter was called into work at a different job and due to living in poverty she felt compelled to work those hours. I’m not trying to excuse her owning known dangerous dogs and then leaving inside the house with her daughter in a room those dogs had already ripped apart to get into her female when she came in heat. This situation also has the worst way possible to make the case for providing spay/ neuter services to help poor people who otherwise could not afford the ever increasing cost of vet care! The lack of vets and corporate gereeed have combined to make vet care unaffordable for all but the wealthy and this causes more unwanted animals! If people who are running the wealthiest nonprofits for SUPPOSED animal welfare then instead of continuing to invest in keeping dangerous pit bulls that the majority of people do not want and instead provided low cost basic vet services to low income families then we wouldn’t get so many puppies and kittens who will never have a home! The kittens are just being dumped into the streets to die horrible painful deaths, the puppies are still mostly pit bulls. The fact is people do not want the puppies of irresponsible backyard breeders or poverty stricken accidental liters of pit bulls! I have been checking on the availability for a lower cost spay/ neuter at my local shelter in the Bay Area since the pandemic and they have continued to close their wait list because they are so overwhelmed with need! I have personally chosen to forgo spay/neuter for my own dogs but it’s not a problem for me. I do not understand what the difference between the US & the majority of the Scandinavian countries are that do not fix their dogs yet still are not overflowing with unwanted animals! However, it still remains a fact that puppies with rabies caught from their unvaccinated mother were transported across stae lines and caused a lot of people to endure rabies shots! Had low cost basic vet care been available the female dog would more likely been vaccinated preventing the spread of rabies and hopefully fixed preventing the existence of those puppies who were doomed to euthanasia as are 2 million other pit bulls!

  9. I am an actual dog person. Actual dog people know not to let their dogs run up to people because you don’t know how the other person might feel about dogs. Actual dog people have dogs who are trained and exercised enough so that the dog doesn’t act like an unmedicated/untreated ADHD kid.

    That takes time and effort. It takes time and effort to teach a dog how to act in a human social environment.

    Most people don’t want to, or don’t think they need to, spend that kind of time if they’re going to own a dog. There’s a trade-off. You get home from work, you don’t get your dinner. You walk the dog. You get up, grab a fast beverage and walk the dog. Before you sleep, you walk the dog even if you’re tired, it’s cold, there’s a blizzard, it’s pouring rain etc. It’s a commitment to another lifeform. In return for all that training and walking and exercising–you have a sociable companion. Chucking the dog into a yard to potty without adding in training and walking and training how to react in social environments is an abuse of the trust relationship you need to build with that dog.

    Add in temperament. It’s okay to have a mean cat. That’s relatively easy to manage unless there are children involved. A mean dog is an entirely other story where both of you and your family are living in a he11scape of fear and aggression, together. As are your neighbours.

    Working dogs need to work. They *need* jobs. Taking home a working breed and not providing it with some kind of work to do is the road to disaster. This is a very common problem with people who pick a clever dog that’s smarter than they are, and bored.

    This story is horrifying. Pitbulls’ job are to fight. They’re apex predators. It’s that simple. They don’t belong in neighbourhoods or as family pets at the best of times. The odd one that actually is family friendly and doesn’t attack other dogs is a failed pitbull.

    It’s not surprising this happens. It’s surprising it doesn’t happen more often. The dogs did everything they were bred to do.

    You don’t expect a lion *not* to attack other predators or humans. That’s why it’s illegal to own a lion as a pet.

    Sadly, idiots abound.

    • Very well put Boni! When I was looking for a dog I found two labs that had been left in isolation in the backyard. As soon as the dog was no longer a cute puppy the person responsible for him lost interest in him and while he played with the puppies he never trained them, never socialized them. He bought one and felt bad for it once he put it in the backyard so he bought another and dumped it in the backyard once it wasn’t a cute puppy so there they lived, until he tired of feeding and cleaning up after them. I’m sure there’s hope for those 2 purebred Labrador retrivers. However, they wanted nearly as much as a puppy, while they did have their AKC papers they’re pretty worthless. They have some events through the AkC that doesn’t care if the dogs been neutered but if you want to show them only children are allowed to show dogs that have been fixed, hence part of the reason I forgo fixing my dogs, but the point remains the same even people who are wealthy or perhaps it’s part of the reason they neglect their dogs! While I have trained a great number of dogs and knew I’d have to train my puppy quickly I just didn’t feel like I had the energy to train an adult dog to the level I needed. I’m sure a lot of people were put off by their wild behavior since they are in a foster home hopefully they will receive training! Had they been pitbulls they would be dangerous due to the lack of socialization & their genetic propensity for aggression! In the end I bought a Labrador retriver, so my family could give me shit for not adopting dogs that would probably fail me as a service dog. I got one who came from a long line of service dogs and he’s doing great! It is still very sad to see people neglecting their dogs and then taking them to the shelter. After that the nonprofit bought them for $100 each or possibly got th3m free, them jumped their prices to $1000 each! Somethings broke e n in the animal “resxue’ situation!

  10. I will never understand how people can look at those monstrous, deformed dogs and think they’re cute or desirable as pets. The UK is definitely on the right track. Wish the U.S. would catch up. That poor little girl…I could only skim through those details, and I can’t even begin to imagine how she feels and what she is still going through. This trauma will stay with her for the rest of her life. It’s all so horrible and messed-up. If only they’d had some Malti-poos or something instead.

  11. Court hearing is scheduled for 12. December . I can not find the link, where I saw that date. (on Reddit )
    And now the father deactivated his FB account. He probably heard of the latest prison time for the couple -owners ..
    They have four children that grew up with this animals , who ruined – how many lives ???

  12. Just an update four our commenters. We were right about the dogs (they are Queen Monae (dam), Scooby Doo (offspring), and the pink collar dog, who we now know is named, “Pinky Pie” (offspring). Today, a judge ordered all three dogs euthanized — but the babysitter has 10 days to appeal. We watched the hearing live, but the audio in the courtroom was poor. KENS has a good recap. The babysitter, who testified from jail, was over an hour late to the hearing (we initially thought she defaulted). She wanted the dam, “Queen Monae,” to be spared, because apparently, she wants the dam to keep “producing killers” while she is in jail. The male, Scooby Doo, was the primary aggressor. The babysitter didn’t care about handing over Scooby Doo or Pinky Pie to authorities. She just fought for the “producer,” Queen Monae.

    Today was also the day of the baby’s funeral. The father speaks here:

    • This is the insanity of pitbull cultists. The absolute gall of someone who thinks they get a say in which of their maulers is spared the pink juice is beyond comprehension.

      Lady, your dogs *killed a baby*.

      You had the power to prevent this by proper fighting dog management at best and by not purchasing such a dangerous breed to live in a social environment, at worse.

      You shilled these animals as *pets*. Or you shilled them for dogfighting. Either way, breeding these apex predators does not give you a single right to a say in the outcome when you profited by unleashing these he11hounds on the general public.

  13. Five years ago, I was in a restaurant in a nice town with my teenage daughter. We struck up a conversation with the woman seated at a table next to us. (Her husband was coming right back.)

    It was very pleasant, and as we were leaving a bit later, she stopped us and said, “Your daughter is so nice. Does she babysit?” My daughter immediately said, “Yes!”

    But I said, “It depends. We’d have to know it would be a safe place for her to work, since we’ve only just met, though you seem very nice. Do you have a dog?” “Yes,” she said. “Is it a pitbull?” I asked.

    Her face immediately hardened and then broke into a sneering contempt. “If I have a pitbull your daughter can’t babysit for us?” “That’s right,” I said, “She cannot in that case.”

    “Well I’m done here,” she said.

    Yeah. I’m a protective parent. You wanna know why?

    Because we are surrounded by arrogant people who think it’s okay to own killer dogs and it’s okay for other people to be killed by them.

    That is absolute madness.

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