Adopted Dog is a Serial Cat Killer, City Pound Allegedly Refuses to Take Dog Back, and Veterinarian Allegedly Refuses to Euthanize

The alleged serial cat-killing dog that the city pound won't take back. Need Help ASAP Corpus Christi, TX - On September 7, Crystal posted to a public Facebook group about her sister's unnamed serial cat-killing dog. The spayed American bulldog has "broken a window in the house to get out, she's torn up a door, she has ripped up the fence numerous times" to kill cats. Her sister has "redone the fence over 10 times even with metal barriers and the dog gets out each time." The dog even… [Read full blog post]

2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bull-Mix that Killed Child on Halloween in Northeast Spokane, Washington was Recently Adopted

Dog Adopted Out by County Shelter (SCRAPS) 8-Weeks Earlier Colton Kline, 4, was killed by a family dog in northeast Spokane, Washington. Dog Adopted from County UPDATE 12/06/23: The dog that killed Colton Kline was adopted from Spokane Regional Animal Protection Service (SCRAPS) on September 2, 2023. We stated in our last update that our nonprofit already had a Freedom of Information Request into SCRAPS. We submitted the request on November 11, and it remains unanswered.… [Read full blog post]

No-Kill Eats Their Own: When the 'Badge of Honor' to Keep Serial Biters Alive Causes Rescuers to Devour Their Own

In her zeal to keep serial biters alive, a no-kill rescuer attacks larger no-kill agencies. No-Kill Meets Mad Max Austin, TX - Recently, we were alerted to a post by Promoting Integrity in No Kill Sheltering, which is penned by Eileen McFall. The post features two central players in "no-kill," which is the private-public partnership of Austin Pets Alive (APA), a 501(c)3 organization, and Austin Animal Center (AAC). The city of Austin has a 95% save rate initiative (5% above t… [Read full blog post]

Shelter Dog Terms Targeting Unwitting Fosters and Terms Used to Describe Major Liability Dogs - A 2021 Addendum

There are Liability Dogs like Rusty (smaller), and there are Major Liability Dogs (large and powerful), like Quincy, Dieter and Brutus (seen above) awaiting adoption at shelters today. Unicorn Fosters - Last July, we published a special report that identified 125 behavior terms for shelter dogs decoded that mask aggression. We also categorized the terms into their meaning (e.g., impulsive aggression, anxiety) and risk level (e.g., very-high, high, mod-… [Read full blog post]