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18 thoughts on “Adopted Dog is a Serial Cat Killer, City Pound Allegedly Refuses to Take Dog Back, and Veterinarian Allegedly Refuses to Euthanize

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      • I actually think there are two different dogs here. The black on the muzzles are different patterns. The “sister” after giving Big Bertha (who would be over nine by now) to Crystal apparently went and adopted another female white pit bull. If the story about Big Bertha is true, it sounds like “the sister” rescued her after she was abandoned, not adopted her from the pound. Big Bertha may be fine, albeit in a home that can’t afford to pay her vet bills. (I have to wonder if she’s spayed.) The danger dog is six years old the adopter is obviously financially unable to do what it would take to make her safe (if that is even possible). Rescues do not want to squander their resources on dogs like this. The only person that would take her is someone that would have nefarious motivations. The kindest thing for this dog is to put her down.

        • We considered this, along with the authenticity of the story. The (two) dogs are posted seven months apart by the owner. So, the dogs would not only be identical, but also the same sex and close to the same age. It adds to the intrigue of what’s true and what’s not true, while under the assumption the actual cat killer is the one depicted in her post. We have modified the post accordingly.

          • Pitbull nutters spewing bullsh*t for attention and minimizing the risk their beasts entail to everyone else

            Who da thunkit?

  1. These stories are sad, but where is the truth?
    The average dog which shies to men usually isn’t well socialized with men.
    It was not abused by men. I guess one could put her in pit fighting. She might do well. Realistically, there is no safe home for this dog. What if there’s a child between her and a cat? A child could be mauled or killed. BE is indicated.

  2. Cats, children and other dogs are a part of every neighbourhood.

    While some prey drive *can* be contained with good training–this pitbull is WAY beyond that level. Even some cat killers can be reformed but this dog, bluntly, is not worth the effort and these people are in no financial position nor even near skilled enough to even attempt that kind of training. It takes serious household management for life to work with such a dog.

    Frankly, pitbulls are not worth it. Half are seriously dog aggressive by adulthood and like sociopaths, most are incapable of learning from their mistakes.

    The vet is an idiot. The shelter is a horror show. Sue them for fraud and put the dammed dog, down.

  3. Although this wouldn’t change the fact that, for safety reasons, Big Bertha should be euthanized, I wonder if she could be deaf or limited in hearing. She could be hearing from one ear. White or predominantly white dogs may not have the required pigment in their ears to have normal hearing. Note that this doesn’t affect all breeds. Breeds such as Maltese, Poodle, GSD, Samoyed, Bichon Frise, Great Pyrenees, etc. don’t have deafness associated with their white hair.

    Some years ago a man had a small white one year old pitbull bitch in his car. She was insanely trying to attack me through the windows. I was younger and dumber then and offered to help him with her socialization. He opened the side door of his van. She proceeded to try to attack me in the face.
    The owner had grabbed her collar which stopped the attack. This dog was not a normal dog. She had tried her attack without her paws hitting the ground. She had leaped for my face from inside the van. She was extremely dangerous.

  4. From
    Dogs that attack cats are also unreasonably dangerous. Despite what one will see on Looney Tunes, it is not natural for a dog to attack a cat. Dogs chase cats and anything else that moves, but do not normally catch them, kill them or eat them. When the cat stops running, turns around and hisses at the dog, the fun is over. A non-deranged dog will not commence fighting this fast, agile and determined creature with its 16 stilettoes and needle-sharp teeth. For more, see Merritt Clifton’s response to a comment dated April 6, 2016 at 7:16 PM. Any dog that lacks the sense to avoid fighting a cat is too risky and too dangerous to keep around people.

    • Dogs will chase and kill cats that are running away. As much as I don’t
      like it, I accept that.

      Beyond that, my friends and I do watch dogs with little cat experience when they are first together. My GSD SD wouldn’t hurt any cat so we correct any cat that goes after him. I don’t want him to have any reason to retaliate on cats. In fact, the bratty cat’s owner has now seen his cat in action. I don’t think it’s fair for a cat to be able to attack a dog without reason.

      I had one GSD that killed a sleeping cat. Although she was fine with me, she was extremely bitch aggressive. She was severely limited the rest of her life because of it. She had “dry eye” starting at one year of age and very nearly died from intravascular autoimmune hemolytic anemia at four years of age. It was weeks before she could squat to urinate. She had to lie down. (Her red blood cells were being destroyed in the circulation, and her urine was red from hemoglobin.). This is the less common form of autoimmune hemolytic anemia.
      For every rule I make, I can break it. Very little is 100%. A client’s old English sheepdog killed the owner’s Yorkie over a bowl of food. I thought the size mismatch was likely a contributing cause, and I never even saw the OES.

    • Dogs will go after cats unless A) they’re trained not to, in which case you must have a biddable dog or

      B) a clever cat will trap a large dog under a car/table where they have less maneuverability and claw the snout off them. Some cats will leap from above like a tiger and land on the dogs’ head, dig in the front claws behind the ears and shred their face with the back claws. Then you wind up rescuing the dog before they’re blinded or maimed. Been there. Done all that.

      In that case the dog will, if it’s not a complete idiot, realize that cats are not prey.

      Sometimes a quick swat in the face by a hissing cat will do the job if the dog is fairly gentle by nature.

      Or less often, C) the dog is wired “cat friendly”.

      Bottom line here is: A dog that cannot learn from these mistakes in judgement towards cats is behaviorally impaired and very likely, unsafe.

  5. We have lived in Corpus Christie twice (2012,2021), and it has the highest pit bull population we have seen anywhere. My husband is retired military, and we’ve lived all over the US and traveled extensively. In our experience, Southern California had many more dangerous breeds than rural southern locations, and Corpus Christie has far more than So Cal, even though CC’s population is far smaller. We saw pit bulls and Rottweilers on playgrounds, on base, walking the streets, everywhere. The owners also tend to be aggressively and proactively protective of their dangerous dogs, getting angry if we showed a reaction like crossing the street. This cat-killing dog and its owner sounds like it fits right into the Corpus Christie dog scene.

    *Note: I’m not knocking CC itself, just sharing my family’s observation of the hefty pit bull culture there.

  6. It’s so sad and concerning to see the continued change in what is considered normal dog behavior and dog ownership experiences. At least in this case, even with all the potential grift, the person is trying to do something and not just shrug it off.

    But the comments are wild, and you see the same attitudes reflected on social media. TV personality “trainers” who push the idea that all dogs can be “rehabilitated” don’t help. And the no-kill movement, and the heartstring-tugging stories of rescuing poor abused bait dogs, also don’t help. What a mess. One might be able to suppress some behaviors with aversive training methods, to a point. The aversions might have to get stronger and stronger, and never let up. But this dog is never going to be rid of her obsessive prey drive, and won’t be safe no matter what. It’s not normal or acceptable.

    Most of us remember when in general dogs weren’t killing things and people didn’t act like that was just the way dogs are. Of the dogs I grew up with and have owned in my life, one (a corgi) killed garter snakes. Another (Papillon) killed bugs crawling across the carpet. That was it. One of my springer spaniels in particular thought all living creatures were his friends. He and his mom encountered an opossum in the yard once which was playing dead. They circled and gently poked it with their noses. They did chase cats and squirrels out of the yard for fun, but they didn’t show aggression. None of my dogs had a need to kill other animals. This is the normal dog ownership experience. We shouldn’t accept some new definition of normal. So I say good for Crystal in even bringing up behavioral euthanasia as an option.

    • The staggering amount of “rescue pitbull sob story fables” I’ve heard would fill an encyclopedia.

      Having worked in a shelter before BSL took hold here I can say with confidence that over 90% of large dogs surrendered are surrendered because they reached adulthood and the owners couldn’t managed the behavior.

      This could be anything from jumping on Grandma to dragging the owners down the street, to unhousebroken or destroying property. Those are brat behaviours and easily fixable by an experienced handler. They’re confusion by the dog as to what is acceptable behavior and what is not. It’s not about abuse.

      A breed with good temperament that’s been abused is pretty easy to fix. Consistent treatment, working on the fears that have accumulated takes work but nowhere near the work that it takes to have a vicious dog in the house.

      That’s not what pitbulls are about. They are *genetically* dog aggressive and apex predators. They need to be handled as such and except for experienced dog trainers–most people neither own the equipment or the skills to handle them with even a marginal amount of safety.

      Rescues selling them off with sob stories doesn’t do anyone any favours. Scarred face? Bait dog is the sales pitch. Nope–it’s a fighting dog and you’re being sold a loaded gun with a hair trigger. Bait dogs aren’t pitbulls because nobody is putting their prize-winning pitbull in the practice ring with a potential rival that could maim it. Bait dogs are dead dogs.

      Pitbulls belong in the hands of experienced dog fighters, not the general public and dogfighting is illegal.

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