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5 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man, 72, Dies After Attacked by Own Dog in Dunklin County, Missouri

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  1. Its sad that he died by the dogs he saved.if the dogs that killed him were pitbull.he should left them alone. If the dogs weren’t pitbull then he shouldn’t save them too much for him to handle at his age.I know people hate to see stray dogs in the street but in my opinion it better they died then saving them all because you don’t the history behind the stray dogs.

    • The dog was protecting his dinner. He attacked it, killed it, and was eating it.

      Two things made this a bad situation. Multiple dogs together is a pack. Packs of dogs are often very dangerous. They support each other.

      Secondly, many folks with a pack of “rescued” dogs cannot afford to keep them well fed. Spays and neuters aren’t provided.
      Essentially one ends up with a large number of poorly taken care of dogs. Hungry packs of dogs are extremely dangerous. The dogs have no training. They don’t respect people.

      This was all very sad.

  2. This poor man is the 49th American to lose their life because of a dog attack in 2024. If this turns out to be because of another “Pitbull-type dog” he will the the 87th person to lose their life because of those dogs since 2023.

  3. I think we need to retire the word “rescue.”

    I mean, come on.

    Unless you pulled that dog out of a raging river or carried it out of a burning building, you didn’t rescue it. You bought it.

    In other words, it’s a business transaction, not an act of heroism.

    • I completely agree. The word “rescue” is over (and incorrectly) used when we’re talking about animals these days. Rescuing a starving animal is a legitimate rescue. Acquiring a pet from a shelter is not a rescue, it’s a transaction or a change of ownership.

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