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16 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man, 72, Dies After Attacked by Own Dog in Dunklin County, Missouri

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  1. This poor man is the 49th American to lose their life because of a dog attack in 2024. If this turns out to be because of another “Pitbull-type dog” he will the the 87th person to lose their life because of those dogs since 2023.

  2. I think we need to retire the word “rescue.”

    I mean, come on.

    Unless you pulled that dog out of a raging river or carried it out of a burning building, you didn’t rescue it. You bought it.

    In other words, it’s a business transaction, not an act of heroism.

    • I completely agree. The word “rescue” is over (and incorrectly) used when we’re talking about animals these days. Rescuing a starving animal is a legitimate rescue. Acquiring a pet from a shelter is not a rescue, it’s a transaction or a change of ownership.

    • Bingo. It’s a manipulative word engineered to tug at the heartstrings and conjure an image of a helpless bedraggled starving stray getting sprayed with rainwater from passing cars on a city sidewalk in a downpour when in reality 95% of the time it’s an abandoned pit or pit mix dumped by an owner who couldn’t handle it and was “on the streets” for, like, a day

      • Ashley–having trained dogs for one shelter and assessed them–this is 1000% true. Most dogs are dumped as they come into maturity and too large to handle by people who thought a puppy would magically raise itself to behave and follow basic commands.

    • I always thought of shelter pets as being rescued from the shelter itself, back before “no kill”. The shelters use language masterfully to further their agendas.

    • Amen Quiet.

      I did not “rescue” my dog. Someone else removed it–from a sled kennel. They went in there on a raid and took out whatever dogs were not well cared, for. These same heroes and shelter collecting funds from the public didn’t bother to rebreak and splint his broken leg until it was too late to do so without causing more damage.

      I *bought* my dog at a shelter. Highly likely shuffled out in shelter space for a pitbull that was sent a province away to be coddled until someone bought it, instead.

      I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with the nonsense in shelters and rescues by this point. Their “adoption” contracts require a lawyer and most demand that *they* own the dog and they have the right to remove it, at their discretion.

      The sooner we get some common sense legislation to limit the administration of these places, including NOT selling dangerous dog breeds and dogs they *know* to be troublesome and vicious, the better.

      The city pound may actually be the safer bet as *they* are at least required to follow the laws and are wary of liability.

  3. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.

    The worst choice in picking a dog is to get one because you feel sorry for it.

    Because your vision is clouded and soon–the one to feel sorry for…will be YOU.

    It’s a *relationship* that may have to last 15 years.

    Nobody should get into Ted Bundy’s car because he faked a broken arm or take home Jeffrey Dahmer because he was polite and shy.

    Tiger cubs are cute too. Until they aren’t.

  4. “The dogs have no training. They don’t respect people.” Training won’t win out over the individual dog’s instinct/temperament as a dog is either inclined to bite to the point of mauling or it won’t. No amount of training will override the instinct, consider the maulings/lethal cases of police K9 left to their own devices and under command of the handler. Even hyped up in a frenzied pack, there will be the individuals that bite and those that do not, again there are fatal maulings showing this. I don’t keep dogs of a dangerous temperament.

    • I completely agree. A “pack” of Maltese (just one example), trained or not, is less likely to maul people to death, and not only due to size. It’s important to not downplay the role of breed and genetics–hundreds of years of selective breeding for particular traits. It’s the reason why the last time I bought a puppy, he came with not only a health guarantee, but also a temperament guarantee. Yes, of a breed that has never killed a person.

      In this sad instance, this poor man probably had pits or molosser types or some other breeds that have not been bred for great temperaments.

    • I used to get a lot of flak for any assessment that said, “This dog is temperamentally unsound and requires an experienced, single home handler willing to take on extensive dog training”

      In other words, basically useless or dangerous and that was putting it nicely.

      Most of the dogs I wrote up that way wound up euthanized because the kennel handlers themselves weren’t experienced enough to handle them and got bit.

      Yeah, too bad I couldn’t just write “Put this one down before someone gets hurt”

      Doggy Political Correctness

      • Boni, I wish your sound judgement were the norm rather than the exception. I would rather people didn’t get hurt, but I guess whoever was complaining about your assessments really did not care about people.

  5. So his dog waited until he fell down and then mauled him to death.

    Man’s best friend?

    I can do without that kind of “friendship” and “unconditional love” thank you very much.

    I doubt we will ever get a pic of this dog and yet I bet we all know what it looks like.

    Still waiting for a “human rescue” to rescue us from the rescue animals.

    • Pitbulls are known for killing their owners when they fall down. If this dog wasn’t a pit then I hope we’ll hear about it. How does one go about requesting police body camera footage?

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