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10 thoughts on “2024 Unreported Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Killed by a Pit Bull Dog Her Daughter Says, Apparently in Horry County, South Carolina

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  1. I don’t understand why people choose pitbull as family pet. They are dangerous animal. No matter how much love patience sweat and tears you trained to be good.Why aren’t there any more to her story.who did the pitbull belong to her daughter her son her grandchildren. Yes I feel sorry she have to died but she knew the dangers of owing being around a pitbull.

    • There is no information stating if the dog was a stray, a neighbor’s dog, or a family dog. Perhaps that will come out. Also does this area have a leash law, as I know some areas still don’t.

      A close friend of mine was recently found dead on my property. She had likely been dead for a week. She was not identifiable except by DNA. I think she died of natural causes although I was surprised by where she was found. I seriously doubt that she was chewed up by a pitbull. The coroner will decide on a cause of death. Wildlife and insects would have been an issue as well as bacterial degradation. The number of pitbulls here isn’t as high as in many areas. The neighbor does have a purebred male pitbull, but I doubt if he was loose.

  2. I don’t think its really that bad that people are asking for go fund me for money.I understand why her daughters are asking for money from go fund me because funeral are expensive. People now’s day can’t keep their heads above water.people think its really shameful that people are begging for money not me.

  3. I wrote about go fund me – when it was asked 40 000. Go fund me – fee is around 3%, and for some goals it is free, even. It is not half of the sum , as someone commented.

    This daughter is asking for 8 000 $ . And they got 100 so far. Off course , people need help in this kind of situations. And we should overcome a shame – if asking for help.

    Responsibility for owning a dangerous dog is another question, that should be considered before getting such animal. And due to all mighty “shame” very few will admit that they were wrong – when choosing one. After paying a price in someones life – mistake is obvious, but to late … and again – due to “shame” no one is talking about this – and the family wants to forget – unforgettable – the horrors of the bloody event.

  4. This has been updated. This was not a family dog and Hurricane Helene may be the reason why no media reports. The media is very busy right now!

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