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4 thoughts on “Investigation: Homeless Man Dies After being Stabbed and Mauled by Dogs at Perris Hill Park in San Bernardino

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  1. This is for Coleen. In September, 2024, my friend, Denise Manley Ackley, was found dead on my property at 411 Franklin Avenue, Arcadia, Indiana.
    46030. Hamilton County. Jackson Township. The property is outside the city limits. I believe she had been dead for seven days. There is a six foot high fence around the backyard. Wildlife could crawl under the fence. Neither family nor friends were allowed to view the body. Denise normally wouldn’t have been in the backyard; but her son, Russell,had thrown all the cats outside. The neighbor to the east has a registered black pitbull and a
    Doberman. I’ve never seen them loose unsupervised. Neither family nor
    friends were allowed to view the body.
    The body was cremated. ID was from DNA utilizing her son and fingerprints.
    An autopsy was done, but there was no cause of death listed. She was 68 years old. A tox screen was
    negative. She was on meds for ADHD and mental health problems. She didn’t use street drugs.

  2. Here in Tucson, the whole city is dealing with the same problems as the Perris Hill Neighborhood Association. And officialdom continues to drag its feet.

    In my own neighborhood, there’s a homeless camp in a city park, and I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve reported it. Not only is this camp frequented by drug using humans, it also has more than one loose dog.

    Count me as one neighbor who now steers clear of this park.

  3. The authorities KNOW these places are problem spots, I don’t understand why they don’t stop there DAILY and get the vicious dogs out of there before something like this happens.
    Just like I don’t understand why my local animal control doesn’t visit the local park regularly and hand out tickets for dogs off leash. There are only a dozen signs that say your dog has to be leashed but there is always someone who thinks they’re speshul. If AC gave out $200 tickets for each offense they’d be rolling in dough in no time and the park would be a lot safer for dogs and people.

  4. I am not making light of the man’s death but when I first read this I thought the dogs stabbed the guy.

    My first thought was “Are they putting gaffs and blades on fighting pits like they do on roosters now?”

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