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8 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: East Texas Man Mauled, Killed by Two Pit Bulls in Beaumont

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  1. A neighbor told the media outlet, “the dogs are always on loose” in the neighborhood.
    It’s not clear if he was a neighbor or the owner. Spotty reporting as usual. Let’s hope it was the owner/volunteer.

    • It’s not clear whether these were owned dogs or strays.
      They could have been dumped by a prior owner and neighbors feeding them.

  2. “Please, immediately call the minute you see something running loose, so that we can try to take care of stuff before these kinds of things happen,” Hettinger said. “It’s an unfortunate incident and I just wish we could’ve taken care of it, prevented it from happening before it happened.”

    Wow – this is double-talk straight out of “the Manchurian Candidate”!

    Time to disband this agency and bring in the National Guard.

      • They really do downplay the fatal dog attacks especially when an adult victim. It wasn’t an accident; the dogs were attacking with intent to kill, and they did. An unfortunate accident would be the dog playing and someone fell and hit their head. If 4 people had been killed in week by alligators or bears there would headlines for weeks about it.

        • Victoria, you’re right on the mark. Network news loves to report shark, alligator and bear attacks. (If it bleeds, it leads.) Then, we’re told at the end of the story…don’t worry you’re more likely to be struck by lightning than killed by one of these mammals. After these recent deaths (5 of them?), I’ve not seen ONE national story. It’s only because of Colleen’s investigative journalism that we even know about these attacks. We have a major public safety issue in this country and no one is talking about it…except for here.

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