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7 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Man, 40, Found Dead in Mobile Home Park After Being Mauled by Dog in Marshall County, Alabama

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  1. The picture looks like one of a long standing trailer court with trailers in poor repair. This is a great environment for lots of pitbulls to reside. What actually happened is not apparent to me. However, this environment with few spays and neuters means lots of pitbulls would thrive here. I cannot imagine the horror of being killed by dogs.

  2. Kelly, I always hold my breath, especially around the holidays. Families are getting together, visiting with folks that have their sweet pibble(s) in the house. Looks like this mom left her child with a relative. I’m sure she was told or believed the dog was harmless and loved children. There are way too many children being murdered or mauled by these mutants. Sad, that adults fail to protect them.

  3. From Wikipedia:

    Albertville is home to the Mueller Company, which
    produces fire hydrants, thus Albertville holds the
    title of “Fire Hydrant Capital of the World.”

    I’m sure there’s a meme in there someplace.

  4. OMG I can’t keep up, anymore.

    I used to drop by and read once a week or so. Make a comment on the weekly pitbull outrage.

    Came on one week to find 3 slaughters-by-pitbull. I was so overwhelmed I didn’t even know what to say. Everyone here knows that’s a rarity 😉

    This is madness. “Uncivilized” and “civilized” countries, would *never* tolerate this atrocious murder of innocents and not-so-innocents by “pet” wild animals.

    Now, the pitbull nutters have so overwhelmed the systems that many pounds/rescues can’t afford to keep neutering pitbulls for free.

    I said from the start, neutering is NOT the answer. Making ownership illegal IS.

    Because every single fool that owns one of these dogs is part of the problem. A dog with a 50%+ rate of murderous aggression towards other dogs is a time bomb waiting to go off. The ones that aren’t breeding or fighting them are running cover for those that do with a serious lack of knowledge about fighting dogs to even provide a minimum of basic protection for the public.

    Screw nice BSL. It isn’t working here. Make ownership illegal. Raid every kennel and yard that has them and painlessly euthanize them all.

    Don’t want your dog euthed by the state? Don’t get a pitbull.

    BSL WAS the “compromise position”–nutters got to keep their dogs. What did they do with that inch? They stole thousands of miles and hundreds of lives every year with it.


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