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6 thoughts on “2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Pit Bull-Type Dog Kills its Unconscious Owner in Beckley, West Virginia

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  1. I don’t understand why pitbulls kill their owners by grabbing their owners’ neck. Why not bite the hand? Obviously the pitbulls cannot answer that.
    Was an autopsy done? Did this man die of other causes and the dog just helped out?

    Regardless, why have a pitbull when there are so many nice dogs of many breeds that don’t maul or kill their owners.

  2. Well, he won’t have any more medical emergencies, at least it wasn’t a child or neighbor, and one less killer pit bull in the world.

  3. Beckley, West Virginia, is down the country road a piece from the New River Gorge National Park. America’s newest national park features the oldest river In North America, and the second oldest in the world.

    A great area to river raft. It’s my guess that the Dragan brothers whitewater rafting enterprise played a large role in encouraging the federal government to designate this area as a NP.

    A beautiful area of winding roads and West Virginia bluegrass festivals that this man mauled to death must have enjoyed for years.

    Oddly enough, Kanab, Utah, is an area known for great Western river rafting before it seems to have been taken over by Best Friends Animal Society. I remember the Kanab name from planning my motorcycle trip Grand Canyon Colorado River rafting trip. Best Friends continues to try to coerce all of America into believing animals have priority over people. Best Friends advocates for pitbulls from Ohio to Arkansas to Salt Lake City to LA and ignores the grievous damage to thousands of Americans from pitbulls.

  4. I hate it when people say that a dog has to be trained to do this. Professional guard dog trainers do not train dogs to go for the throat or face. That is a liability. It seems that certain breeds, need to be trained to NOT attack and kill humans..
    Pitbulls are a killer breed that need zero training to go for the throat (of a person, a cow, a sheep or another dog etc.)

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