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11 thoughts on “Woman, 36, Found Dead at Lansing Home; Police Initially Suspected a Fatal Dog Mauling then Cleared the Dogs

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  1. Did anyone else hear the ending of the dispatcher audio? It sounded like she said, “Probably not a big deal.”

    I hope not. A wretched mess. I hope the dog wasn’t newly rescued

  2. It’s not going to stop any time soon. At least not in North America.

    There’s too much money to be made in keeping it going and zero political will to do what the citizens need rather than what profits the pet and non-profit shelter/rescue industries.

  3. So if the dogs were not involved in the death, then they should have definitive proof of some other cause of death not caused by a dog attack (natural or homicide)… but then the dogs still dismembered her body. WTF! Why would they think it was okay to return dogs willing to “eat” and “dismember” a body on the floor? It doesn’t matter if the dogs were responsible for the death if they’re willing to do that.

  4. “There was no foul play found,” police said in a news release Monday. “As of right now, this is being ruled an accidental death.”

    But didn’t the coroner’s report say sharp force trauma??? How does one die accidentally of that? I just don’t get it. Unless, the investigation is ongoing. I hope that’s the case.

    • My understanding is that a dog bite death isn’t “foul play” unless it was owner directed – it falls under the category of “accident”. So saying there’s no foul play is not the same as saying she didn’t die from a dog bite. I did see it reported later in an article that law enforcement was quoted as saying the dogs were not involved. The reporting and communication could be a lot better.

    • She probably got a knife to defend herself from these dogs that were attacking her or acting aggressive and then fell on it while being dismembered by her boyfriends dogs! So despite having the dogs attacking her it’s still an “accidently self infected injury, if we just forget about the dogs dismembering her it all makes sense and the dogs were perfectly innocent! As I said people in this community have to protest this dangerous situation waiting to kill a child that walks too close to the neighborhood!

  5. If the dogs didn’t do it, the dogs should be returned. I believe they already have been. In the USA, dogs are not and should not be confiscated because they might bite. If that became policy, dogs would be concealed. At least, the Chihuahuas would be easy to hide.

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