Police Respond to "Neighborhood Living in Fear" of Vicious Dog
Sebewaing Police Chief Steven Repkie issues Community Advisement after dog seized.
Community Advisement
Sebewaing, MI - On July 29, Sebewaing Police Chief Steven Repkie issued a Community Advisement after a pit bull, named "Lucifer," viciously attacked a child in the face causing severe injuries. "The bite missed her carotid artery by mere centimeters," states the release, and she will need reconstructive surgery. The owner of the dog was arrested on municipal charges, but still did not properly contain his pit bull. "The neighborhood was living in fear of Lucifer," Repkie said.
The neighborhood was "basically being held hostage in their homes, hoping and praying that this dog did not break loose and injure or kill someone," Chief Repkie said. In order to obtain a vicious dog designation in the state of Michigan, there must be two unwarranted bites, "except in extenuating circumstances." Chief Repkie worked with Assistant Huron County Prosecutor Alexander Pahany to achieve this, and thus were able to obtain a court order to seize the animal.
In no surprise to DogsBite.org, as the paperwork for the extenuating circumstances was being completed, "Lucifer" attacked a second person. An order to seize "Lucifer" was signed by the Huron District Court Magistrate on July 28. Chief Repkie and another officer then physically seized the "100 pound beast," he said. "We had to enter the home and catch Lucifer on a snare pole," Chief Repkie said. "To be honest, I’m still sore today from being on the end of the catch pole."
Ironically, as the paperwork was being completed, a second bite report came into the Sebewaing Police regarding Lucifer. When interviewed, the victim, an adult male, said he was riding his skateboard when from out of nowhere, he was attacked by a Pitbull that knocked him to the ground and viciously attacked him, causing significant injuries to his right arm. Fearing for his life and while the dog had his teeth firmly clamped onto his forearm, he was able to take hold of the dogs collar with his left hand and twist the collar to the point that the dog nearly lost consciousness. It then loosened it’s grip and the victim was able to get away. He identified the dog that attacked him as Lucifer.
An order to seize Lucifer was signed by the Huron District Court Magistrate and on Thursday morning, after finding a secure facility to accept Lucifer, Officer Matt Kuhl and myself went to the home to follow the court order and seize the animal. The resident of the home would not or could not bring Lucifer out to Officers. We had to enter the home and catch Lucifer on a snare pole. We then had to wrestle the dog outside and into a cage. Lucifer was taken to a secure facility to be housed pending court proceedings. - Sebewaing Police Chief Community Advisement
Next Repkie gave a "statement from me" that no one could appreciate more than the late Richard Buffalin, a devoted commenter on DogsBite.org, who passed away in January 2022. "I will NOT allow my community to be held hostage by a dog. People should NOT be afraid to walk through their neighborhoods. People should NOT have to sit on their back porch with a gun on the table in fear of being attacked," Repkie said. "I thank God that neither of the victims had been killed."
Additional charges are pending against "Lucifer's" owner, Chief Repkie said in the statement. He checks in on the 5-year old victim's condition frequently, he said, and has offered both Zeus and Apollo, his unit's two police K-9s, for "K9 Therapy" to help the little girl with trauma from the facial attack. He has also spoken with the skateboarder, the second victim, "checking on his condition as well," he said. He closed his Community Advisement with: "Strength and Honor Sebewaing!"
I will NOT allow my community to be held hostage by a dog. People should NOT be afraid to walk through their neighborhoods. People should NOT have to sit on their back porch with a gun on the table in fear of being attacked. I will, as expeditiously as I can, address matters such as this and to the fullest extent of the law, fulfill my duties to the citizens that I serve and enforce the laws of this Village, the State of Michigan and the United States of America.
I thank God that neither of the victims had been killed. I check in on the 5 year old often and I have offered Zeus and Apollo as “K9 Therapy” if needed to help her with the trauma of the attack. I have also spoken with our skateboarder, checking on his condition as well.
So in closing, we have Village leash laws that state, a dog must be on a leash no longer than 6 feet and controlled by a person capable of controlling said animal. Dogs are to be licensed and vaccinated. They are not to be allowed to be at large within the Village and wander through others yards or in the street.
Strength and Honor Sebewaing! - Sebewaing Police Chief Community Advisement
We encourage readers to go through the comments on Chief Repkie's post. One person wrote, "I wish we had this kind of attitude in Caro. Bravo to you, I fear for my safety everyday in Caro, because they are unwilling to fight for the people, and only help the owners keep the dog. Thank you for standing up for your community!" Another called Repkie a "True Blue Hero, and I'm grateful our community has been blessed by having you in charge." DogsBite.org agrees in full!
The father of the little girl also shared a photo of her in the comment section. The father then admitted to being the owner of a pit bull himself, whose dog "has been in training since he was born and will be until the day he dies." No one said the father's pit bull was anything like "Lucifer," but nevertheless, the father had to defend his dog as if someone had. And, "Chihuahuas," the father proclaimed, "are the lead dog for dog bites but you never hear about them in the news."
We wish there were many more Community Advisements like the one issued by Sebewaing Police Chief Steven Repkie. We were moved to tears upon reading it. That is how rare it is for dog mauling victims to feel heard -- to feel there actually are laws that protect them -- even antiquated laws that require two serious bites before a seizure and vicious declaration. Recall the extenuating circumstances; Repkie and the prosecutor had been working hard to avoid the second attack.
"Lucifer" the "100 pound beast," however, beat them to the punch.
That Chief Repkie made it a priority to declare that he "will NOT allow my community to be held hostage by a dog. People should NOT be afraid to walk through their neighborhoods," is another heroic rarity. Victims of dog bites and attacks understand just how much power the owner of one dangerous or intimidating dog has -- he or she yields the power to destroy an entire neighborhood -- and the only response by animal control is, "Nothing we can do about it until it attacks again."
Related articles:
12/16/20: Ann Marie Rogers: Animal Welfare Advocate, Animal Control Officer, Public Safety...
01/16/17: First 3 Minutes After Pit Bull Attack; Police Officer Rescues Victim, Provides Comfort
Oh my, I wondered if Richard would be back posting. He fought the good fight with the rest of us. I miss his presence on here.
I am Richard’s sister. Thank you for your kind words, and for the obvious affection so many on this site had for my brother. I would very much like to see your video and post once they’re created/published. Can you please contact me? [email protected]
Colleen. This is a big thank you for you.
I have been fighting for months with blindness. I can enlarge the print on your site so I can read it without the edges cut off. I can reply.but cannot read my keypad. Hopefully surgery will fix some of my vision this coming week. I cannot read email or text messages or phone numbers or bills or newspapers. I cannot drive. The isolation has been awful
Rachel, my best wishes to you for your speedy recovery from your eye surgery. I continue to pray daily for your and your dog’s safety.
We enjoy hearing about your vet experiences and sharing your knowledge.
Rachel, Wishing you all the best on your surgery–it has to be very difficult for you.
There are text to voice apps (not great but I’ve used them on occasion) and voice to text if you use Microsoft option.
Also, might be worth buying Dragon Speaking software. I used to use it when I had trouble, typing. Occasionally it said weird things to the great bemusement of my friends but I understand it has improved, over time.
Okay, I’m off topic. Shutting up now 😀
Thank you for letting us know about Richard. I have wondered about him and his well-being after each post with no comment. Rest in peace Richard!
And I agree that a Police Chief going the extra mile to protect against this monster dog is worth celebrating! Although the law gives two bites, his action after the first bite shows that there is room within law to stop vicious dogs after the first bite IF law enforcement and prosecutors are willing to put in effort. Kudos to Chief Repkie and the others who worked to get Lucifer off the street.
BRAVO for Chief Steven Repkie! Keeping The Great Outdoors safe for his community and America by declaring no one holds his community hostage. And then following through w seizure of the dog. How odd that he had to go into the pitbull’s owner’s house w a catchpole to get him when the owner has let Lucifer run wild throughout the neighborhood. I hope Lucifer’s owner is charged.
BRAVO also for the skateboarder whose choke-hold twist of Lucifer’s collar has been considered the top safety tip for stopping a mauling.
No bravo for Tim Heilig, the father of the 5-yr-old pitbull attack victim. Surely he would want full healing for his daughter by rehoming his own pitbull.
Big pass on letting my permanently dog bite scarred child around police K9 apprehension dogs! Does the cop not understand what is required in a therapy dog, as biting strangers ain’t it.
Add to that the father is keeping his pitbull even though his child is traumatised. Talk about pitnuttery. If it’s such a great pitbull, he should be able to rehome it for his child’s peace of mind.
Agreed. What this child need is therapy HUMANS, not dogs.
Not all police dogs are apprehension dogs. Some are drug detection only. Some are tracking only. Some are therapy only. Although many GSD apprehension dogs are good with children I doubt if many cops would use one for a therapy dog. Most would choose a lovable Golden Retriever.
Colleen, thank you for telling us about Richard Buffalin’s passing. I am sad to hear the news.
“Lucifer”….Jeebuz wept. What’s wrong with these people? Why not “Spot”, or “Rover” or “Fuzzbuckets” or “Billy”?
Good on this cop for standing up for people’s right to go outside without worrying about being mauled. While I don’t advocate for police who act outside the law, at least this fellow showed some good old fashioned horse sense about applying the “spirit” if not “the letter” of the law.
Maybe he could go one step further and stand up for BSL in his area so he’s within the law by confiscating the next pitbull after the first bite?
Just sayin’
This is the problem with pit bull owners, they ALL think THEIR dog is different, THEIR dog ‘would never’. Most will be wrong. These people cannot be allowed to dictate public safety policy on vicious dogs.
It’s unfortunate no one shot Lucifer while running loose before two people wound up in the meat wagon.
And, “Chihuahuas,” the father proclaimed, “are the lead dog for dog bites but you never hear about them in the news.” Well, of course you don’t. Frightening comment for the father to make. Will this ever be over? I have noticed, over the years, that the public at large seems much less accepting of this situation, with both dangerous dog owners and irresponsible shelters held legally accountable. I also notice people seem to be more willing to stand up to pit bull supporters- stand up with truth. Public censure and even shame IS acceptable and it DOES help. Thank you, Colleen, for all you do.
Oh, I was curious about which state this took place in. Didn’t see it in the story.
Never mind, it’s on the badge! Sorry.
Sorry about the weird link but that was the only way I could view the webpage (you may want to get screenshots before it disappears).
Article says the dog was euthanized, the owner, John Ross, was arrested, fined, then arrested again after not appearing in court. My favorite part is that he’s not allowed to own animals.