Rusty Shane Burris, 32, was killed by an "alligator" pit bull in Polk County, Tennessee.
Pit Bull Kills Man
Polk County, TN - Over the weekend, a dog killed a man in Polk County, according to the Polk County Sheriff's Office. The fatal attack occurred early Sunday morning at a home on Swallows Drive in Old Fort. Deputies arrived at the scene just after 2:00 pm with EMS personnel. Deputies found 32-year old Rusty Shane Burris unconscious and unresponsive. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Sheriff Steve Ross said the canine, a pit bull, was owned by the man's family.
Burris suffered severe injuries to both arms. The dog also had a history of aggression. "He was defending himself from the dog, and that's why he got so many bites on the arms," Sheriff Ross told WTVC. "The dog had been aggressive before, and it was on a cable, but at some point during the night it broke the cable and came after Mr. Burris," Ross said. The family secured the pit bull in a car after the attack. They asked for the dog to be euthanized, which a deputy did at the scene.
The Polk County Sheriff's Office said they found Burris behind the family's home, next to the fence line. Sheriff Ross said the dog bite fatality was a "first" for his agency. "We have the occasional dog bites, but this is a first for us, as far as someone actually dying from a dog bite. This was a very brutal attack," Ross said. The sheriff had hoped to hand the dog over to an agency for euthanasia, but none could take the animal. On scene euthanasia was the only safe option.
"Alligator" Pit Bull
WDEF reported the dog was an "alligator" pit bull. This presumably refers to CH Plumber's Alligator bloodline. Though, not to be confused with CH (Crenshaw's) Rodriguez' Gator bloodline. Both are serious fighting dog bloodlines in the south. However, many breeders falsely claim "Alligator" or "Gator" bloodlines. "Gator Pit Bull is a common name used by backyard breeders to boost their marketing appeal, as well as 'gator mouth pit bull,'" states
Back in 2017, the owner of two family pit bulls that killed a child in Georgia claimed one dog was a "Jeep Rascal and Gator Gotti. No mixing in that bloodline at all (sic)." We will not begin to explain how implausible that is or how full of marketing nonsense that is. But it seems to be common bragging rights among some pit bull owners in the south to claim to own a "Jeep" or "Alligator" or "Gator" from a famous fighting dog bloodline that such individuals are unlikely to have access to.
Adult Male Age Group
Over the 17-year period of 2005 to 2021, very few men in the 30 to 39 year-old age group have been victims of fatal dog attacks. In fact, there have only been 10 men, according to our records, within the approximate 621 total dog bite fatalities during this period. 80% of these 10 deaths involved pit bulls. Half of these attacks, 50%, involved the dog killing its owner or a household member. These rare fatal attacks of men in their 30s are disproportionately inflicted by pit bulls.

A family member who lives at the same location as the victim shows a male pit bull on her Facebook page as recently as July. Pit bulls from earlier years are seen on her page as well.
Related articles:
06/07/22: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman, 70, Killed by Pet Rottweilers in Tennessee
04/02/22: 2022 Dog Bite Fatality: Woman Killed by Personal Protection Dog in Tennessee
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
I recall recent Dogsbite articles on Sevier County and Cocke County in Tennessee. I see from Wikipedia these counties are on the Tennessee state line on the east. As is Polk County, at the SE-most tip of the state.
The Dogsbite link here provided to mentions a Tudor line pitbull with an ugly name.
This is yet another grievous confirmation of what I recently read at the Cliftons website, Animals 24-7. Pitbulls were used to keep American slaves in line. All these years I had thought bloodhounds were the primary slave hunters. As someone who has done independent study of black history, I find this absolutely revolting.
@ Nunzia
Just a quick heads up that up until very recently, that ugly name was a very common name for pets. There were many black cats and dogs (Labradors, etc) who had that name. It was a word used to describe a pet with dark fur, as the origin of the word is latin simply meaning ‘dark’. It’s not necessarily tied to the slave trade, but it could very well be.
Eva, I recall that you previously posted some excellent info on dog regulation in Germany. We appreciate hearing how well that’s working in your country. Thank you.
In America, it’s highly doubtful that citizens have used the N word as names for their animals in at least 60 years. Most likely, much longer. As a country we are sensitive to the N word. I understand the origin of the word but it’s still a pejorative.
Animals 24-7 has done research on the matter of pitbulls used in the old South against slaves. I respect that data.
Eva, the dog fighters meant exactly what that word conjures up. Don’t make excuses for them especially with using Latin phrases or scholarly theories as these are simply low life, hate filled men that found the suffering of others entertaining.
I know the dog you’re discussing and there are plenty of “spook”, “spade” etc derogatory names on these dogs even currently, plus other white power phrases. That said, I was told that plenty of hunting line Labs also carry those awful names, just a certain type of gross person attracted to the dogs
Tying up a dog is always dangerous. Maybe log chains don’t break, but other tie out equipment does break. The vicious dog undoubtedly was pulling on the chain or rope. Loose chains or ropes don’t break. Sadly, this dog was kept without any equipment that could hold the dog securely. As a result, a man is dead.
@ Nunzia
Thank you for enlightening me in that matter; I was able to find the Animals 24-7 article and a few others explaining the origins of blood hounds (of the bulldog kind) and the major part these dogs played in subduing people. It’s sickening to learn that murderdogs with a taste for human children and the purpose of causing maximum damage to people without ever relenting have been around for centuries… without any purpose in their lives besides attacking and mauling humans. Yet here we are, pretending these murder machines are misunderstood flower children of peace and genetics are a lie.
Garrett’s Shorty ROM was listed at stud in ads in Dog World in the early 90s, he was a son of Jeep thus it was that easy to get the iconic bloodlines from those who wanted cash, which is really what drives all these breeders.