Apollo Duplantis, 1-year old, was killed by a family dog in the Gentilly Woods area.
Young Boy Killed
New Orleans, LA - A 13-month old boy is dead after being attacked by a family dog in the Gentilly Woods area Monday, New Orleans police said. The attack was reported at 6:46 pm at a residence in the 5500 block of Seminary Place. The victim was transported to a hospital for treatment by private vehicle, where he later died. On Tuesday, the child was identified as Apollo Duplantis by the parish corner. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the cause and manner of death.
After the attack, a Louisiana SPCA officer entered the backyard of the home to capture the dog. The dog then attacked the SPCA officer. "At that time, officers on the scene heard the LASPCA officer screaming for help," states a release by New Orleans Police. "NOPD officers on the scene entered the yard and saw the dog attacking the LASPCA officer. The officer discharged a service weapon, striking the dog and killing it." The condition of the LASPCA officer is currently unknown.
Though police have not released breed information, photographs on the mother's Facebook page show a family pit bull-American bully, named "Bear." If Bear proves to be the culprit, he will be the third American bully-type dog, described as a "a natural extension of the American Pit Bull Terrier" by the UKC, involved a fatal dog mauling this year. No other major kennel club recognizes the breed, which curiously comes in four size standards: pocket, standard, classic and XL bully.

An American bully/bull breed-mix is seen on the mother of the child's Facebook page.
Given "Mixed-Breed" Designation
On Tuesday, the Louisiana SPCA issued a statement regarding the fatal dog mauling, including identifying the dog as a "mixed-breed" family dog. There is no doubt the dog is a mixed-breed, as an American bully can be comprised of at least five bully breeds, including: pit bull terrier, American bulldog, English bulldog, Old English bulldogge, Staffordshire bull terrier, French bulldog and multiple mastiff variations, such as the Neapolitan or bullmastiff, to achieve the XL size.
That said, at the very least, "Bear" is a bull breed-mix, not to be confused with 300 plus breeds that could produce a mixed-breed dog without human killing aggression, such as a border-sheltie mix (herding breeds) or a poodle-terrier mix (small toy breeds). Gladys was also unethically characterized as a "mixed-breed" after killing a volunteer at a dog rescue facility, though Gladys had ample, pit bull, mastiff and XL bully characteristics and weighed a massive 125-pounds.
At approximately 6:54 p.m. on July 11th, the Louisiana SPCA’s New Orleans Humane Law & Rescue (NOHLR) team responded to an animal attack in the 5500 block of Seminary Place. The call placed to 911 described a 13-month-old child attacked by a mixed-breed family dog and severely injured. Our officer arrived on scene where the New Orleans Police Department was present and awaited a warrant to enter the property to seize the dog while the child was transported to receive immediate medical care.
A second NOHLR officer arrived on scene before the warrant was acquired to assist. Once the warrant was obtained, the two NOHLR officers attempted to leash the dog through the backyard fence, but when the effort was unsuccessful they entered the backyard. With control poles the NOHLR officers attempted to leash the dog again. Before a leash could be secured on the dog, a NOHLR officer was attacked and called for help from the NOPD officers on the scene.
NOPD entered the yard and saw the dog attacking a NOHLR officer. At that time, a NOPD officer discharged a service weapon striking the dog and killing it. - Louisiana SPCA, July 12, 2022
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Another dead baby. The “cause of death” is pitbull.
Dead babies. Dead older people.
When are the pitbull crowd going to accept that these dogs are to humans what lions are to gazelles?
They are *hunting*. They generally choose the disabled, the small, the physically weak, the humans who don’t pose a threat to them.
They are hunting humans, mauling them and eating them.
Humans bred them to do that.
We made them. Time to unmake them. They are not pets. They’re predators.
Years ago when I was training to be a zoo docent, we were told that the Polar Bear is the only species that hunts Man. We should definitely add Pitbull to that short list.
In this case, the NOPD did the right thing. Thank you, NOPD, for putting public health and safety first.
The parents will suffer, but nowhere near as much as their poor baby did. And they’re probably upset that their pitbull was shot, maybe even more than they are about their child. Parents who allow their pitbulls to kill children should never have another child or pet. They aren’t fit.
This pitbull has sable or agouti coat color. The two genes are both dominant and can be hard to tell apart. The only color pattern which indicates mixed breeding in pitbulls is merle.
This dog looks like a purebred pitbull to me. His markings are seen in many breeds of dogs as well as in pitbulls.
Rachel, I am not sure I understand about the pitbull coloring in mixes. There are so many pitbull mixes today.
Isn’t it safe to speculate a pitbull mix when we see characteristics of, say, a GSD or Malinois with pitbull characteristics?
there is actually some connection to the heat ”mad dogs and Englishmen” etc they don’t have AC in the UK so not that the heat was a cause at all but the stress can become a catalyst for an already angry dog , But as a Pro Trainer i can assure you they know very little about training dogs in the UK its very very backwards hanging them by the neck prong collars as ways to ‘fix” aggression etc , since they don’t have guns there its common to have ”attack dogs” so now ya got all these yahoos training ”attack dogs’;’ its a mess to the point the government has to ban the electric collar due to grotesque abuse
The UK knows very little about training dogs? Are you having me on? The UK was training working dogs before the USA was even a country.
Why are you lumping every UK trainer into the same box when just as in North America, UK trainers use vastly differing methodologies and have varying philosophies on dog training and are of varying skill levels?
What does having gun control have to do with who has aggressive dogs or poorly trained protection dogs?
You are aware that’s where most dog breeding and obedience training was not only invented by the UKC before the AKC existed and that they are still active in the sports area? Have you seen Krupps lately? That the UKC came up with the comprehensive rules for obedience and sports dog trials that were later adapted by the AKC?
Or that they invented the first guide dogs for the blind?
Or that they trained war dogs in WWII? And along with Germany, were the early trainers of Shutzhund and using professionally trained dogs in police forces since the turn of the last century? And that unlike American police dogs, don’t have a habit of mauling suspects?
I’m afraid your understanding of training methods in different countries and history seem to be lacking.
For the record, it’s incredibly dangerous to “hang a dog” by the prong collar unless you want to risk losing an arm to an agitated dog when the prongs pop off so I don’t know which YouTube loonies you’ve been watching but they clearly don’t understand the use of ecollars or prongs. Then again, YouTube is a mishmash of great trainers of all methods vs. spokesmodel idiots I wouldn’t let near a submissive beagle–never mind a challenging dog. Most are American since YT is primarily USA-based.
People who are going to abuse dogs are going to find a way to do it. If it’s not an ecollar it’s a newspaper or a stick or their boot and they don’t need to study a method or pay hundreds of dollars for an ecollar to do it. I’ve even seen some I’d call “treat addicts” who just can’t seem to wean themselves off stuffing some chubby old dog just for sitting.
People who want to train a dog will humanely use whatever tools at their disposal that will do the job with the most positive outcome for the dog and the least amount of force required to ensure compliance.
None of this has to do with why genetic timebomb bully breeds are murdering people in record numbers this year. While heatstroke can be a problem it’s fairly rare in pet dogs (barring nitwits who leave their dogs in hot cars) and until recently–not a problem in the mild UK weather.
The UK has about an equal amount of good and idiot dog trainer/owners as everywhere else.
Basically ditto to what you said, with a dash of realization the lack of broader comprehension for the Kelly.
Since humans have been in working relationships with dogs for millennia, I hardly think the UK was the first culture to practice and train obedience. Training tools are not abuse, unless used abusively.
Interesting page.
The words dog and pit or bull are not to be found on this page.
I guess the parents consider it a “freak accident” and there is no reason to warn other parents.