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15 thoughts on “2021 Dog Bite Fatality: Phenix City Man, 70, Dies After Brutal Pit Bull Mauling

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      • I hate how they use the term “bite”.
        That leads to “all dogs bite”.

        How many other dogs routinely remove limbs?
        I know there is that one Husky (that is still the goodest boy, after all he left the kid one arm). At the point that limbs have been gnawed off, we have gone WAY past bite.

    • Yup. If I’m in my front yard pulling weeds I have a knife on me. Trashy people a few houses down have a pit they have admitted is vicious and a north facing gate that looks like it’s falling off the hinges. No lock of course, they sometimes put a rock in front of it. I’ve seen this dog body slam the gate when people pass, it’s only a matter of time. I emailed animal control about the danger, no response of course.

      • The authorities need to erect signs, warning pedestrians of a possibly dangerous dog, a couple of houses, each side of the propery! Give people the opportunity to decide if they want/need to continue walking towards possible anger 🤔 In Australia, the local city/shire erects signage for swooping birds (mainly nesting magpies) usually it is up to to the owner to display a ‘dangerous dog’ sign..they, also need to do this for frightening dogs, it is awful to be dog rushed from the other side of a fence, hoping like heck that the fence will hold up, every time!

  1. The authorities need to erect signs, warning pedestrians of a possibly dangerous dog, a couple of houses, each side of the property! Give people the opportunity to decide if they want/need to continue walking towards possible danger 🤔 In Australia, the local city/shire erects signage for swooping birds (mainly nesting magpies) usually it is up to to the owner to display a ‘dangerous dog’ sign..they, also need to do this for frightening dogs, it is awful to be dog rushed from the other side of a fence, hoping like heck that the fence will hold up, every time!

  2. In Florida they pay contractors to hunt and euthanize pythons. Phenix City, Houston and other cities need to do the same with stray pits. If your dog is loose with no tags it is a stray as far as I am concerned. Give a 2 weeks notice “Stay dogs will be euthanized” and then start rounding them up.

    I hope the correct dog got ran over.
    I’m not going to cry over any stray pit getting hit by a car but I would like for the killer to be dead. I suspect they get quite a thrill taking down a man and would do it again if given the chance.

  3. Any of us older folks that knows pit bulls knows we are of absolutely no match for a pit bull. When my dad was 75, he hit the pit bull mauling our dog Digger
    with a big rock he carried to weight down farm equipment. Digger did not survive although we tried to save her. The pit bull did not survive his owner’s bullet.

    That was in 1988, and I never new pit bulls were dangerous in those days.

  4. “Where they tried to re-attach his limbs,”

    pIt bUlLz r jUsT lIkE aNy OtHeR bReED

    Waiting to hear of the people who need their limbs reattached after chihuahua attacks.

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