On April 3, Amanda Underwood and Queen Charlotte, a draft horse, were severely injured after a pit bull-mix broke free and attacked the horse while it pulled a carriage in Cane Creek Park.
Union County, NC - On April 3, pit bull-mix violently attacked a draft horse pulling a carriage in Cane Creek Park as children screamed in the background. The carriage driver, Amanda Underwood, was seriously injured while trying to fend off the attack. The draft horse, Queen Charlotte, was also badly injured by the dog. A cell phone video captured part of the attack, where one sees the dog repeatedly attacking the horse, until Queen Charlotte delivers a ruinous kick.
After the attack, Amanda's brother spoke to Fox 46. "It was bad. I mean it was horrific," said Travis Medlin. "The dog jumped up an actually latched onto the horse's throat ... the horse trampled my sister four different times throughout that event. Each time, she just came back and continued to fight the dog, was trying to save the horse." She suffered multiple head wounds and a broken foot that will require surgery, Medlin said. Hospital bills are expected to cost at least $25,000.
"My sister is the blonde in the red shirt. This video only captures the end of what happened. The attack lasted a distance of 200 yards. My sister was driving the carriage when the pit attacked and latched onto the horse's neck. She handed the reins to her assistant and jumped down and threw the dog off. This repeated many times. My sister fought with the dog under the horse and in the process was trampled by the horse 4 different times. She went to the hospital and has 4 hematomas on her head from being kicked by the horse. Had to have the back of her head staples, a broken foot, horse shoe shaped bruises all over, swollen knee that will need an MRI and is so sore she cant get out of bed. With all that, you see her still standing by the horse at the end of the attack like the bad ass she is. If not for her actions things would have turned out much worse for everyone involved.
As for the horse, it has 15 bite wounds on its neck and legs, multiple bites to its face and its lips were shredded, but it's doing ok.
The dog was put down by the vet due to its injuries." - Travis Medlin YouTube comment
Since the attack, multiple events have occurred. On April 12, RaleighLink14, who is a horse owner and an animal activist, published a video commentary featuring parts of the Fifth Estate documentary (Pit Bulls Unleashed: Should They Be Banned?) and the Cane Creek Park attack under the title, "Why I No Longer Support Pit Bull Ownership." Her video is the subject of this post. On April 13, we learned that CMPD Animal Care and Control adopted out the dog in 2019.
At the time, CMPD noted that the dog had a "tendency to pull on the leash but he will slow down with gentle pressure." The dog was vaccinated and a health check did not indicate there was any behavior problems, CMPD said.
The dog was adopted in 2019 at an event at South Park Mall. A person who fostered the dog noted that it was "friendly with people and children, loves walks and car rides" but "will pull after cats on his walk." - MyFox8, April 13, 2021
RaleighLink14's video is powerful and self-explanatory. She admits that she will be attacked by pit bull advocates for making the video and admits she was previously an advocate for the breed. "I'm just not anymore," she states. "I can't sit back in good conscience and continue to support the ownership of pit bulls." She later adds, "Someone needs to fucking start speaking out about this. And I know I'm kind of the lone wolf right now, and I'm probably going to be crucified for this..."
Other themes include: While working at a shelter, many pit bulls failed behavior tests and were not safe to adopt out; she had to euthanize a number of pit bulls; she also goes as far to say that pit bulls should be banned, and she asks the glaringly obvious question, "Should everybody be able to own a pit bull? No." She then covers statistical data that our nonprofit has been publishing about for 10 years. The difference being, it's her voice stating it to other animal advocates.
In addition to going against the grain of pit bull advocates, she definitively states that some pit bulls must be euthanized for behavior as well, toppling the Holy Grail of no-kill advocates. That is just two more badges of courage for Raleigh. "I used to think all of the pit bull bans were bullshit," she said, "but if you really look into the statistics, and you really talk to doctors who experience this stuff ... and then you yourself have your own personal encounter ... you start to understand."
Sanctuary Solution?
Raleigh, however, goes astray significantly toward the end, when she proposes, "sanctuaries should be put in place for pit bulls." Where they "can be rehabbed and live a normal life there." Our nonprofit has written extensively about this fantasy. Pit bull sanctuary after pit bull sanctuary has resulted in fraud, hoarding operations and animal cruelty over the years, including: Spindletop (TX), Olympic Animal Sanctuary (WA) and most recently, The Steffen Baldwin Center (CA).
Baldwin was already headed down a path of doom: a "sanctuary operation" of "reactive" dogs with bite histories. - DogsBite.org, August 18, 2020
Pit bulls that wind up at these places often have impulsive aggression, dog aggression and more. They cannot be rehabbed for living in a normal society. These "sanctuaries" are often little more than each pit bull fenced-off in a small yard alone or kenneled alone. Frankly, these sanctuaries aren't too different than a dog fighter's yard, and in some cases (Spindletop and Olympic Animal Sanctuary) their living conditions are worse, thus the hoarding and animal cruelty charges.
YouTube Comments
There are nearly 6,000 comments. Common themes include: Not everyone should own a pit bull; the more I educate myself, the more I see the merits of bans; there is a large community of others who feel the same way you do; my mind has been changed dramatically; Raleigh has guts for posting this video; and finally, "How could I argue with those statistics?" Our answer: The same way many people like you have been doing for years, by claiming that our statistics are false.
Umm -- I totally understand where everyone is coming from. But, unless we can stop bad owners from getting dog.. unfortunately for the safety of everybody, including dogs themselves, i believe that only professionals should own Pitt Bulls. They will spend the rest of their lives in shelters and honestly that’s just heartbreaking...
Charlie -- I respect Raleigh for having the guts to post this, as she's almost certainly going to have some of her followers turn on her after they merely see the title of her video...
Vero -- I've been pro pittie for a long time saying it's the owners fault. But the more I educate myself, the more I see that there is merit to the fears and bans of pit bulls ... I think the problem is ultimately both owner and breed...
Fluffies -- I hate that I have to agree with this but you're hitting the nail on the head.
Rebeka -- Thank you for making this video, I personally have supported pit bulls as a breed and believe the "it's the owners not the dog" mantra. This video educated me on the facts, and although it's an uncomfortable topic, I believe it's important to be able to change your opinion when new information is presented...1
Mary-Beth -- This is actually very interesting to me! Up until this moment i have also said "it's not the dog it's the owner". And I just assumed the majority of the people that owned Pit Bulls were the snobby rich people that think having a pit bull was cool and trendy. But how can I argue with those statistics?
Amelia - I own 4 pit bulls. They all are saved from being put down. Anywhere we go we muzzle them not for my dogs safety but kids and other dogs. I believe not everyone should own a pit bull. They are literally wild animals I swear. I own horses and my dogs are not allowed near them. But I agree with you Raleigh...
Rene -- Thank you for making this video. I know there are a lot of advocates for pit bulls and you are ridiculed for even speaking against pits. But just know there is a larger community of people who feel the same way you do. Most have had horrific run ins with these dogs in one way or another...
Elisha -- Its such a tough subject. I use to work at a facility in Jacksonville Fl and our soul purpose was to rehab pits that had been used in the fighting culture. I use to be a HUGE advocate for the breed ... My mind has been changed dramatically the pet couple of years. I still love the breed and I always will. But they are not a good family pet...
Ayanna --The general problem is, that many people underestimate the (genetic) potential of their dogs and the specific training these potentials require. No matter if it is a hunting dog, a herding dog or a dog like a pit bull. Unfortunately, the latter can become incredibly dangerous and since you cannot make sure, that not every - sorry - idiot gets such a dog, there should be some kind of regulation.
Kate -- I used to be an advocate for pit bulls, but once I became a dog owner myself I changed my viewpoints. Every. Single. Time. My dog had been attacked it was by a pit bull. The worst one that happened the owner literally stated to me "he’s been acting like this lately" and he still brought him into a dog park unleashed and with no muzzle...
Sixty-two -- I used to believe pit bulls shouldn't be banned because they were just dogs. I thought it was always the owners fault and only theirs. After watching this video I'm seeing things in a new light and all so much more serious than i initially thought it was.
The violent attack on Queen Charlotte at Cane Creek Park while children screamed in the background has caused a tremendous outpouring from the public and animal advocates. Raleigh may as well have plucked language directly from appellate court rulings in her description of a relentless pit bull attack. "This dog kept coming back over and over and over again ... These dogs will not stop once they find a victim. It is nearly impossible to get a pit bull off of the victim."
The discussion Raleigh has about shelters adopting these dogs out to the public, who in many cases "can't handle" the dog, is well argued. However, news that this dog was adopted out by the CMP Animal Care and Control in 2019, would had added even more fuel to her fire. That shelter, indeed, adopted this dog out to an owner who couldn't control the dog. Notably, the shelter stated it was an American bulldog. Though, it appeared to us and others to be an overweight pit bull-mix.
Finally, the fact that Raleigh is making these statements to her audience of animal advocates, makes all the difference in the world doesn't it? Animals 24-7 is an animal advocacy nonprofit, but faces nearly the same wrath by pit bull owners and no-kill advocates as our nonprofit does. What gives? Both nonprofits are on the front line of collecting data in the area of serious and fatal dog attacks by breed since our government will not. Data that shines a light on dangerous breeds.

On April 3, an adopted out pit bull-mix viciously attacked a draft horse in Cane Creek Park.
Related articles:
01/04/21: Working at an Open Intake Shelter: Deliberate Breed Mislabeling, Aggressive Dogs...
12/16/20: Ann Marie Rogers: Animal Welfare Advocate, Animal Control Officer, Public Safety...
08/18/20: How a Pit Bull Activist Rose to Fame in the No-Kill Community While Killing Dogs
10/16/19: A Pit Bull Adoption Disaster: Animal Aggression, Anti-Anxiety Medication, Ceasing...
The fur-covered ticking time bombs appear to be inert and/or attractive for a period of time, until they suddenly explode. When they do explode, there is no going back. Life is over, or much worse. Much much worse.
Words are useless. Pepper spray is useless. Yelling “No!” is useless. Making oneself look bigger is useless. Attempting to retreat to safety is useless. Telling the obvious truth is useless. Just simply “watching out” is useless. Reporting loose dog violations to the police is useless. We are stuck with each person for himself, because people bring Serengeti animals into our neighborhoods.
It’s a shame people have to learn the hard way that bred to kill dogs don’t belong in our communities. I feel more sorry for the horse though.
200 yards. This was a long, brutal attack.
Pit bull owner keeps shrilly yelling “Tucker!!!” over and over again but I hear “Fucker!!! As in Mother Fucker. Queen Charolette repeated stomps on that thing like it is a cockroach in the corner. You see her locating it with her eye as she is holding her front hoof high for a split movement before slamming it down. And that last kick is poetic.
The attacking dog being an American Bulldog does not mean this is not a pit bull attack; the AB is a pit bull breed. Can’t say that often enough; attacks by mastiff crosses and bulldog crosses are pit bull attacks. The dogs are closely related; the owners’ claim that you can call one X and the other Y and they’re magically not related is just bullshit. It would be like me saying my Aussie isn’t a collie just because she’s not an AKC Rough Collie. The landrace is the landrace.
If you do a slow and freeze-frame motion of the video, there’s one moment with a truly nasty shot of the dog lunging, teeth bared and mouth open, at the horse’s hind leg.
Notice the dog was slowed but not entirely stopped by that final kick – the owners still piled on top of it to force it to quit. I’m not sure I buy that the horse’s kick was deadly; owner might have just decided to cut her losses.
I think this vlogger being a horse person was pivotal, as horse people looking at this video will realize in a way non-horse people won’t, how terribly dangerous this was – and not just to the horse. When a horse hitched to a carriage bolts – as this horse would have bolted if that driver hadn’t held her back and fought the dog and been trampled – that horse and that carriage become a huge, lethal projectile. The carriage will stay upright for only a brief period before it flips. Everyone inside will be thrown out; if they’re lucky, they’re thrown clear but are possibly killed or injured by hitting the ground at speed without protection. Otherwise, they’ll be caught up in the carriage and dragged with it. The flipped, disintegrating carriage will be pulled wildly by the blindly fleeing horse, taking out anyone in its path. A lot of people could have been badly hurt or even killed.
I am glad more people are realizing the dangerous and picking up the banner of public safety by speaking out against pit bulls as household pets. They are not, and never will be, a safe breed of dog for the average homeowner.
I’m not entirely sure about this, but if you watch this video of the attack (https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&fbclid=IwAR3O5lAB0RBi5pwPhvPcOWSskKo7_8yaCk_LyUN2yctILnOej6YhNKAM838&v=N0uMpaWLUWA&feature=youtu.be), at the end, everyone is gathered around the injured pit bull while the seriously injured horse handler sits/lies on the ground by herself. This just says so much about our dog culture.
I think they were all holding it down. That horse and it’s owner – hero’s. The denial by pit owners is mind blowing
To be honest, I am guessing that people were gathered around the pit to ensure that didn’t get loose and attack again.
American Bulldogs are pit bulls with a touch of mastiff.
Thank goodness the tide is starting to turn.
For most of us in rescue who were blackballed for speaking out against pits, it is too late.
It is also too late for hundreds of people and countless thousands of other animals.
When will this insanity end?
I ride horses and have come across unruly dogs. The majority will merely bark at a horse – most dogs know better than to actually attack a 1,000 pound animal.
Pit bulls, though, when they get in that aroused state, will grip onto anything without regards for their own safety. That’s what they were bred to do, with either bulls or other dogs in a fighting pit.
That situation led to the carriage driver and horse being seriously injured, and it could have been even worse if the horse bolted and flipped the carriage. I hope the horse and carriage driver recover.
There’s a nice area with paths next to the riding stable where my horse lives that I have to avoid because I can’t trust that people will control their dogs. There’s a big sign at the entrance stating that dogs must be leashed and that there are horse riders in the area, but people still let their dogs run wild. I just ride around on the fenced stable property now. My horse can handle barking dogs with no problem, but a dog attacking him could result in both me and him being severely disabled or worse. It’s stupid because there are plenty of off-leash, horseless areas people can go to walk their dogs.
Her video was overall good. But she needs to realize that there isn’t enough training on the planet to make someone suitable to own a pit. They are killing machines and have no purpose being owned by ANYONE. They need to be completely banned and removed from all communities. Hearing those children scream in that horse video terrified me. I was so worried the beast would go after one of the kids or the carriage would flip and hurt someone.
Wow! Reminds me of Justice the mule. The pits in both videos just keep coming back until their bodies just give out, though this one had an owner that could finally get ahold of it, not before being mortally injured.
The most outstanding remark this young woman made in the video was, “If you can domesticate a dog, you can UNdomesticate a dog and we have UNdomesticated these dogs turning them into wild animals.”
Therein lies the absolute truth that pibble culties refuse to acknowledge.
I commend this woman’s courage for saying that.
Yes. She is talking about breeding. Not “it’s how you raise them.”
And in the case of pit bulls, a number of critical traits that were bred into domestic dogs to make them compatible for living with and among humans, have been bred out or subdued.
Bite inhibition. What a novel concept!
Meanwhile, a trait like gameness that is so insane that it runs counter to what natural selection produces (kamikaze behavior in animals isn’t going to get passed along genetically, for obvious reasons, where there is no controlled breeding and a restricted environment placed on the game-insane animals), has been bred INTO the pit bull.
Gameness puts pit bull aggression beyond human control … unless the humans use lethal force that often requires a deadly weapon.
Putting dog aggression beyond human control is not a great move if the idea is to have a dog that can live with/among humans, i.e., a domesticated dog.