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7 thoughts on “2012 Dog Bite Fatality: Baby Boy Killed by Family Pit Bull in Montgomery Co.

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  1. This boy was the 20th Texan to die from a Pit Bull attack since Lillian Stiles was killed back in 2005. Lillian's law coupled with the BSL Pre-emption is a public safety FAILURE.

    Pit Breeders have zero accountability and absolutely no incentive to produce safe dogs.

  2. Pop and I watched tv until 11:30pm last night and I got up said – It's Jan 15, It's time for another Pit Bull Mauling Death – I better go check e-mails – I'm hoping against hope that there want be any e-mails giving us information on more attacks…..but here it is…..another death…now we wait to find out the little boy's name…and then we hope and pray there's not another one after this one….but I don't hold my breath !!!

  3. Seth Lovitt's Pit-Grannie gets a slap on the wrist:

    BELTON — A Dallas woman whose pit bull killed her grandson while they lived in Killeen received probation Thursday.

    Brenda Ellen Parker, 51, received five years of deferred adjudication and 200 hours of community service. Parker previously pleaded guilty to criminally negligent homicide.


  4. My heart goes out to Jeremy. How horrible. And I put myself in the grandmother's shoes, what it would be like to watch your grandchild being eaten alive. I can't describe the intense emotions that overcame me. I understand why she went into shock. However, I wonder if part of the reason she went into shock was guilt.
    I also do not think that the problem is leaving children alone with large dogs, although that is never a good idea. Pit bulls attack children even when there are plenty of adults around, and their presence matters not. They can't save the child from the jaws of the beast even when they are standing right there.

    I do hope charges will be brought against them.

    May Jace rest in peace.

  5. Interesting comment from the "Memorial Fund" article:

    All though this may seem like it is for a good cause, I happen to know the father Jeremy. He just withdrew $1000 from this account today and proceeded to get his son's name tattooed on his chest. This fund is a scam unfortunately and he will use the money for what he wants and it will not go to Jace or any awareness fund. Our family is going through a terrible loss and it is unfortunate that he is using this to gain money. It makes it even worse when the Grandmother and Grandfather are trying to save money for a head stone. Very sad

    Maybe NCRC could send the Grandparents a "Nanny Headstone" Grant?!?

  6. Shame on you Montgomery Sheriffs office…..this lady has a long police history!! And please do tell us what drugs were in her system….when she got to Hermann Memorial hospital!

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