Near the scene after a family pit bull mutilates, kills a 70-year old woman in Nassau County.
Woman Killed by Family Pit Bull
Albertson, NY - A 70-year old woman is dead after being horrifically attacked by a 7-year old family pit bull. Police were dispatched to 10 Terrace Court at about 1:00 pm Wednesday. The 911 call came from the victim's husband, who witnessed part of the gruesome attack, Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder, said. "When he got home, he walked into the backyard -- at that time the dog was still eating on the body," Ryder said during a press conference today.
"The scene was pretty horrific we don’t know what time the attack took place," Ryder said. "There was obviously a lot of mutilation on the body."
"The wife was in the backyard, on the ground, mutilated by the dog," Ryder said. "[The husband] called 911. The first officer on the scene, the dog turned on our officer. The officer fired at the dog, killing the dog, putting down the 7-year old pit bull." That officer, who has 15 years of experience on the force, was so horrified by what he saw at the scene that he is being treated at a hospital. The pit bull belonged to the victim's step-son who died in a motorcycle crash a few weeks ago.
WNBC captured additional parts of the press conference, including that there had been no prior reports to police about this home. "We have had no domestic calls to this house," Commissioner Ryder said. "We have had no reports to this house regarding the dog. So at this time, we don't know why the dog turned on the woman." The pit bull was described to WNBC as a large and muscular animal, close to 100 pounds. Police said that no criminality appears to be involved.
"It is an horrific scene. When the husband arrived at one o'clock, he went into the backyard and he found his wife being attacked by the dog, at that time. Being dragged through the yard ... When he got home, he walked into the backyard. At that time, the dog was still eating on the body." - Police Commissioner Patrick Ryder
WNBC also uncovered images of the victim's step-son, Giorgi Chochia, who was tragically killed in a motorcycle crash on July 17 while riding his bike on the Wantagh, according to a GoFundMe, along with an image of his fatally attacking pit bull. WNBC reports the son and his dog had lived at the parent's home before his death, and the parents began caring for the dog after his death. Thus, the victim had been familiar with the dog before it attacked, mutilated and killed her.
Neighbors told CBS New York, "We didn't hear anything," Jamie Elqorchi said. "My husband was in the backyard. We didn't hear a dog. We didn't hear an attack. Nothing." This is a nonstarter -- a "focused" pit bull fighting, is typically noiseless. Another neighbor said that he remembered the son. "When he was alive, he used to walk [the dog] with both hands holding the leash. That dog was leading him," he said. The New York Post identified the victim as 70-year old Marina Verriest.

The victim's son-in-law (left), his fatally attacking pit bull and attack victim Marina Verriest.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
This is so horrific. I wonder if this was an unstable dog or a dog with idiopathic rage syndrome. If the dog was dragging the son on leash the son had no control of the dog. How could a seventy year old woman have controlled a huge pitbull.
She probably felt obligated to keep her son’s dog.
I learned a lot by reading game dog forums, watching sporting dog yard videos and reading their comments.
Bully dogs / pitbulls or man-made mutants that are supposed to mature to suddenly of the drive and ability to attack and kill their own kind both at home and on neutral ground, on mutant man-made instinct alone.
When a beagle chases a rabbit it’s not unstable.
When the herding dog slinks around silently after I heard of sheep, it’s not idiopathic rage.
These dogs, including the deadly bully dog, are all simply doing what humans intentionally created them to do.
If the report is accurate and this is the bully dogs first attack, then this dog is what the dog fighters call a “late starter”.
Most “good” bully dogs begin attacking and killing between 18 and 36 months of age. However some bully puppies are deadly to litter mates at 8 weeks of age
It’s cruelty to continue to support dogfighters and they’re continued selective breeding for unprovoked, prolonged, mutual ground, suicidal, deadly aggression.
Exactly, Debbie.
All of the pitbull supporters who take them home as “pets” are providing cover for the dogfighters.
Used to be if you saw the odd pitbull, unless you saw the owner training it to fight, it might be a pet. No one had more than one pitbull *unless* they were dog fighters.
Now all a dog fighter has to do is claim that they have five un-spay/neutered pitbulls as “pets” and it’s up to the police to prove that they are fighting the dogs before they can be charged. As there is a great deal of secrecy around illegal dog fights, that is clearly difficult.
Pitbull supporters don’t “love” pitbulls.
If they did, they would want to suppress the number of owners and breed out all aggression so only competent owners had the very few, left. They wouldn’t be shoving them off on families who are completely unable to cope with their erratic behaviour.
Horrible. Pit lovers will say the savage attacked because it missed it’s owner. You know, anything to excuse the attack.
So often we read that the first responders need counseling and care due to the horrific injuries they are forced to view and clean up. Pitbull owners should consider that in their decision to select a dog at the local shelter, despite how persuasive a shelter worker is to place a pitbull or a PB mix w them.
An edit please:
“POTENTIAL pitbull owners should consider that in their decision to select a dog at the local shelter…”
Think of these dog shelters as used car lots. As in, they’ll say whatever they have to say in order to move the inventory.
Perfectly said, Quiet.
Instead of helping people choose a suitable dog they can have a 15-year relationship with to the benefit of both…they shill for the worst dogs to be shovelled out the door.
In the Indianapolis Animal Control shelter The director position was a revolving door until the pitbulls were put up for adoption. Some shelter employees do not own pitbulls. This pitbull looks like he was well cared for. So he didn’t need to kill for food. He killed because his genetics told him to kill. Why isn’t this breed extinct.
Not only killed someone, but ATE them. No other breed feasts on the remains of their human kills. Only the pit bulls and those breeds closely related to them (mixed with their genetics).
At least they named the breed this time and did not hide the horrifying results of the attack.
Even when the victim chose to keep the pit bull, it is a horrible way to die. And the grisly incident negatively impacts the lives of all those who respond. It is awful.
It is hard to believe that so many people would advocate for keeping a breed that actively consumes human victims. It is disgusting, sick, and scary.
Some years ago I met a man with a one year old female white short haired medium sized dog that was insanely aggressive in his car. He had bought this pitbull puppy on craigslist for one hundred dollars as a GSD..I stupidly offered to help him with her. As he got her out of his car by her collar she launched herself to take off my face and almost got me for dinner. She showed absolutely no greeting behavior and her paws never touched the ground. Normal dogs don’t act this way. Never trust a pitbull.
Very true. Kevin Hart the comedian adds to his stand-up a bit about getting his son a dog which Kevin then learned to fear.
Thank you all for your water in the desert comments.. It’s currently a world full of madness including the horrific babies next to pits photos all over social media to make a point. Thanks above all to the founder of this site for covering this topic so well.
As a devout animal lover, it is my sincerest hope we can legislate away backyard breeding with the imposition of insurance requirements for ownership and higher fees for non spayed/neutered.
For all of the waggy tailed submissive ones among the breed it is equally sad they are at such high risk of abuse and euthanizing.
390,000 animals euthanized because we do not legislate away breeding high risk animals is a tragedy.
TC there are free spay and neuter programs all over North America for pitbulls.
Yet, the owners keep breeding them non-stop to the point where shelters are overloaded with them, they’re running rampant in the streets and forming packs in the wild. Even where there’s BSL, pitbull owners just keep breeding them.
I don’t know what the solution is any more other than culling every single pitbull that doesn’t have a home because their owners either through neglect or design, just keep breeding more of them.
The results of the pitbull supporters’ decisions on the lives of everyone else can be seen here, every day, at Dogsbite and every few minutes, on Reddit.
Many pitbull owners would likely have their pitbulls spayed or neutered if they were paid for having their pets altered. How much money. I don’t know but free isn’t attractive enough. Dogs would have to be tattooed or microchipped. Otherwise people would bring the same butches in for multiple spays. Note that proving a bitch is already spayed in surgery may take more time than a routine spay.
Since they can sell off a single 10 puppy litter for $300 each (at the low end) from two free dogs they’ve collected I don’t think we can buy our way out of this.
Good idea, I’m just not sure it’s practical.
Which is why strong laws must be put in place such as the law in Little Rock Arkansas.
Said law states owner of pit bull, and/or mixes sires or dams, are required to have the dog spayed or neutered, photographed with owner and address and kept with the Sheriff’s department, be secured at all times, muzzled when on leash and hold a $100,000.00 Insurance policy at all times without lapse in policy.
But we all must know that reporting any incident of aggression and or viscous dog or dogs at large is also paramount to the well being of all life as it creates a paper trail.
No more will we have to hear that the dog in question has no history of aggression if we report any and all acts of aggression before it is too late.
Just found a 2-hour compilation of TV news reports of pitbull attacks.
From Pit Bull Victim Awareness channel. Judge Judy’s responses are so welcome.
Watch “Are Pit Bulls really worth the risk?” on YouTube
Pit bulls were originally bred to bull bait and dog fight. They were never meant to be family dogs due to their aggressive and dangerous disposition. That aggression or aggressive tendency is still wired into their DNA even if they don’t show it at first.
Exactly! The original dog fighters would cull any human aggressive pitbulls, they are in the pit with their dog! They didn’t want to be mauled… now every pit/bully puppy from every litter is churned out to the unsuspecting public, with zero temperament checks, these fighting breeds were never meant to be a pet.