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9 thoughts on “2014 Dog Bite Fatality: 77-Year Old Phoenix Woman Dies After Bitten by Family Pit Bull

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  1. I know DBO has done a lot of research on the risk of pit bull attack on children especially when they are visiting a home with a pit bull or vice versa and because of this I am much more cautious about the homes my boys visit and I am grateful to DBO for empowering me in this regard. However as I have been looking a the startling number of attacks in America, it has struck me that there are a significant number of the elderly, 65 and over, that are beeing attacked. Do you have any stats on this population demographic, as this very unfortunate woman seems to fit a possible victim profile as well.

  2. Looks like we may have a new trigger for pitty to attack you. Two commenters on this article mentioned that the pit may have bitten her because of a possible infection she may have had. I couldn't have thought that one up if I'd tried.

  3. How sad that they gave this dog with a history of aggression the continued benefit of the doubt.
    I am glad some outsider did not have to pay the ultimate price for their bad decision.

    I will not be surprised if some nutter suggests the dog mistook the woman's abdomen for the meat wrapped pill.

  4. This is the same locality where Mickey mauled the kid's face so badly that he may go blind.

  5. I am not so sure that I would call a person who knowingly chose to keep an aggressive dog a victim. In my opinion they were a volunteer.

  6. Put Me in Charge: It's probably the sort of volunteering that goes along with that animal "rescue" BS. A lot of elderly people buy into that.

  7. A big part of the problem in this state is the promotion of pit bulls by those who should know better. Including our local animal control shelters and humane societies.

    It's gotten to the point where the residents of Pima County may be paying higher taxes to house unwanted pit bulls. News story:

    And guess what the #1 dog in Pima County's tax-supported shelter is now:

    The residents of Pima County need to vote this one DOWN!

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