Why Aren't Dangerous Dog Owners Charged With Animal Cruelty? by Dog Lover - Perspectives of Advocates

Guest Writer Dog Lover asks, "Why aren't dangerous dog owners charged with animal cruelty?" This editorial is part of our ongoing series: Perspectives of Advocates. Every day I see news articles about pets and farm animals being mauled or killed by pit bulls or other dangerous dog breeds. Touching pictures of other people's pets or farm animals mauled or killed are often featured in the articles and never fail to bring tears to my eyes. When you read the details of the article,… [Read full blog post]

Are Sensible Dog People A Dying Breed?

A vintage pointer dog illustration from Cassell's Illustrated Book of the Dog (1881). By Boni A guest writer for the DogsBite.org Blog. Once upon a time in a land far, far away Dear Reader, there were Sensible Dog People. These SDPs owned dogs for various reasons. Sometimes the dogs herded cattle and generations of good herding dogs were bred for their ability to be brave and clever and learn quickly from their herding elders and human handlers. Some barked warnings at the heel… [Read full blog post]

Viral Video Shows Extreme 'Entitlement' of White, Female Scofflaw Dog Owner, Who Quickly Plays the Race Card

Call-To-Action: Send in Your Stories of Scofflaw Dog Owners Scofflaw dog owner Amy Cooper reacts after being told to leash her dog in the Ramble. On October 14, 2020, it was reported that Amy Cooper made two false 911 calls that day. In the second call, previously unreported, Cooper claimed the man tried to assault her. "The defendant twice reported that an African American man was putting her in danger, first by stating that he was threatening her and her dog, then making a seco… [Read full blog post]

Dramatic Attack Footage Shown in Vicious and Dangerous Dog Hearing; Two Pit Bulls Attack a Man and His Dog in Chinatown

Video captured two pit bulls attacking a man and his small dog in San Francisco's Chinatown. San Francisco, CA - In November, Black Summers Productions (BSP) published the Vicious and Dangerous Dog hearing involving the pit bulls "Cochise" and "Lakota." Dramatic footage of the violent attack is included, which begins at 2:49 minutes into the hour-long hearing. The attack occurred in San Francisco's Chinatown along a sidewalk and street. In September, we released a colle… [Read full blog post]