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5 thoughts on “2011 Dog Bite Fatality: Spotsylvania County Man Killed by Pet Pit Bull

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  1. So one guess is the one pit was chained up was because it was the one that inflicted the previous wounds.

    The one that killed him was the "nice" one. Bet the toxicology report will have positive results.

  2. The "nice" one indeed, who finished him off. He survived serious prison time and all the dangerous that go with it, but he couldn't survive his dogs. This has to fit somewhere into ex-felon ironies..

  3. Dr Randall Lockwood pointed this phenomenon out during his 1986 "Are Pit Bulls Different?" article.

    Statistically, Pit Bulls are roughly six times more likely to attack their owners, compared to other breeds.


  4. On rare occasion a throw rug needs to be saved from our mutt by a squirt from a water bottle. This man couldn't save his own life from his dog with a baseball bat.

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