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15 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Estate of Arkansas Man Killed by Three Violent Pit Bulls Awarded $15 Million

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  1. The only thing missing is jail time which is well warranted. People cannot continue to get a free pass every time their dogs run loose and maul.
    Animal Control should be sued too.
    I hope the maulers got a dirtnap.

    • Not only should animal control be sued, it should be sued into the ground.

      Likewise, the nonprofit industrial complex of enablers. Go after them too.

      People, *this* is the BSL we need: Breed-Specific Litigation.

      • My cynical side is wondering if the real reason breed bans are being lifted is that towns don’t want to bother taking any action or any responsibility. Can’t sue Animal Control for not doing their job if they can deny there was anything they were supposed to do.

        • Where I live the Governor has decreed that breed band be abolished in the cities that have a breed ban. We can thank the pitbull lobby for this. Their argument… Not everyone can afford to buy a Golden Retriever (or other nice breed) and Pitbulls are affordable! Shocking decision in its ignorance.

          • Ludicrous argument from the Governor.

            If you can’t afford a Golden Retriever, you can’t afford the legal liability of a pitbull.

            Add in to that…WHY are there no “regular” dogs?

            Because pitbulls are sucking the money out of the systems that were designed to help homeless family-friendly dogs. Sometimes people get old, or sick, or have accidental hunting puppies, or are forced to move and can’t take their friendly dog etc. etc.

            These same people have shut off all avenues to cheap dogs and puppies, such as craig’s list and kajiji so that we’re forced to depend on the pit-pushing organizations that are one of the foundations of this problem.

          • Sorry, that should have read “breed bans”. It’s just that the whole idea of the Governor listening to an advisor instead of doing his own research makes me so angry I have trouble concentrating on spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
            In the USA the Federal Government is responsible for determining the minimum standard of care for, say, animal welfare. Then States can weigh in with their minimum standards, Counties with their minimum standards, and finally Cities. This SHOULD mean that if a specific city believes a Pitbull ban is in the best interests of their citizens the Governor should NOT have the power and authority to change the decision of that city government. I have no idea how this is even legal. It’s a damn shame. Instead of listening to a biased advisor, look into the reasons a city has a breed specific ban!

        • Rebecca that is 100% the problem.

          You can’t sue them if they have no requirements to fix the problems.

          Pitbulls legal? We don’t have to pick them up. No dog bite laws? Not our problem if someone gets bit and we were warned half a dozen times the dog was loose and dangerous.

          It’s the “I can plead stupid in court” which is about the letter of the law, rather than the spirit of it.

  2. May he rest and peace .if he died would the money go to his family are they going to pay of the ridiculous amount of his hospital bill and his funeral.did they put those killer pitbull down did the state pay or did he pay the 15 millions dollars.

    • Like most people I’m sure the pit owners don’t have near that kind of money so IF anything gets paid it will have to come out of their homeowners insurance which ultimately raises the rates for the rest of us. Pit bulls are such a losing proposition in every way.

  3. Thank you for the clarification Colleen. I still believe it should be the right of the city to protect their citizens by enacting breed specific bans, but I see now why it is legal.

  4. Unsolicited:

    “It’s just that the whole idea of the Governor listening to an advisor instead of doing his own research”

    Because it’s a racket. Some shmuck friend of his who is into pitbulls got paid 20K or whatever to tell him what he could have googled.

    We had “advisers” in some of our social service agencies. These were invariably friends of the ED who were professional “consultants” and the level of stupid some of them spewed–was nothing short of astonishing. You don’t have to prove you actually know anything to hang a consultant sign on your front door.

    The odd one was actually useful or had good ideas but almost all came in with some agenda or other they were pushing.

    Same here. Find a pitbull nutter and pay them for advise instead of coming armed to the meeting with actual statistics.

    • The article did not get into too many specifics, but yes. After Pierce was attacked, a neighbor shot two of the dogs, killing them.

      “Ogles said the defendants should have known their dogs had attacked and bitten other people. Not long after the Pierce attack, the dogs attacked another individual in the neighborhood who was able to shoot and kill two of them. In an unusual move, Ogles included about 15 pictures of Pierce’s injuries in the suit filings. “I
      felt the pictures could show the severity and viciousness of the attack more so than I could in words,” the Jacksonville attorney said.”

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