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11 thoughts on “The City of Aurora, Colorado Dog Bite Statistics by Breed and Intake, Euthanasia Data Over a Three Year Period (2017-2019)

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  1. I pray to God that policy makers will be in the spirit of Truth and Love, so they can promulgate wise and just decrees that will reduce the amount of extreme suffering that dangerous animals inflict upon those who are victimized by those who chose to force the risk upon their victims, their children and themselves. Thanks to Colleen for taking the time and effort for getting The Truth out to those who are in denial.

  2. Quoting from the original post: Despite modest enforcement of their bans, both city shelters benefit enormously from the reduced intake of unwanted pit bulls.

    Which prompts my question: Why only modest enforcement? Why not vigorous enforcement? To the fullest extent of the law?

  3. So many places are trying to repeal their bans lately and I don’t get get. Why would you want more pit crowded shelters, more bites, more disfigured citizens, less normal dogs, etc?

    The facts are out there, most people don’t want a pit bull. The overly vocal minority online are going to get a lot of people hurt.

  4. Ignoring data and its statistical analysis to make virtue signaling, emotion-based, activist-pushed decisions is breathtakingly dangerous and stupid. I had a little fun doing my own study and analysis of some”adoptable” dogs in my area.

    Today, for shits and giggles I got on Petfinder, put in my zip, hit “Find a dog” and pulled up the bio on every single pitbull on the first page. There were 7.
    – 7 of 7 or 100% had something in their description that made it clear there are present and significant behavioral problems. (This was even with excluding problems with being in a home with cats.)
    -3 of 7 or almost 43% had clear statements about requiring specific owner education from the Behavior Team.
    -4 of 7 or 57% had resource guarding issues.
    -3 of 7 or almost 43% get anxious or are very high energy
    -3 of 7 or almost 43% had issues with mounting other dogs when they came into contact and one of these, this would prompt a dog fight when the other dog reacted to the mounting
    -1 of 7 or 14% was returned after being rehomed.
    -6 of 7 or almost 86% can only go to a home with older children and the 7th is a geriatric dog and older than 5 years is recommended

    With this simple exercise and the expectation that shelter staff are minimizing problems with these dogs, I see 100% of pits in my small sample size having breed-specific behaviors that they are breed for. Honestly, the pit bull people should stop comparing them to regular, family-type dogs and they should just embrace these behaviors as normal. They should stop trying to push the fairytale of pits making great family dogs. These 7 are all on their paths of gene expression, as expected. You can bet there will be bites, maulings, animal killings by all of them if they even get out of the warehouse.

    • I agree on this. There would be far less issues with pits if people accepted and understood them for the fighting breed that they are and stopped the family friendly nanny dog narrative. These animals are weapons and should be very strictly regulated as such. Anyone who wants to own one should follow specific guidelines. Keep them out of homes with children and vulnerable adults. Keep them muzzled when out in public (which should not be often). Don’t keep them in homes with other animals. Euthanize (not rehome) at the first sign of aggression. And most importantly, keep it contained.
      And for the shelters, they need to euthanize these pits clogging up the system. I strongly feel the pit population would be strongly reduced in no time if all shelters would adopt a policy to euthanize all aggressive pits with a bite/maul/kill history in their custody.

      • They should euthanize all pits that come into custody. There is no way for them to be 100% at evaluating which ones have a bite history.

        • It would be dream come true if they ever made that a mandatory policy, but sadly I don’t think there’s any chance they’d do that due to pit lobby backlash. But at the very least, if they know for a fact that the dog has a bite history, they should be forced to put it down instead of covering it up and just shipping them off to other shelters.

      • Compliance and enforcement.

        Pibble owners will not comply if there is not significant cost/pain for non-compliance. And significant cost/pain requires strict, thorough enforcement. Strict, thorough enforcement usu. costs $$$. Lawmakers usu. rely on revenue gained through compliance fees to fund enforcement.

        See the problem?

  5. Until the mainstream media stops covering for the pitbull lobby and starts telling the truth about these dogs, this will continue to be an ongoing problem. The few investigative stories that do tell the truth (Such as CBC’s Fifth Estate) tend to have a large impact on the public perception of seeing pitbulls as inherently dangerous.

    Legislation helps. But cops and animal control officers can’t be everywhere, all the time. The general public has to view owning a pitbull as a problem. They are weapons.

    We have BSL here–yet they are proliferating. There shouldn’t be a live, or at least young, pitbull left in this province yet, here we are.

    It would go a long way if shelter/animal control immediately euthanized any that came into their care. Why? Because that’s a direct argument to anyone considering getting a pitbull that they risk the dog being destroyed if it is apprehended for breaking muzzle laws, picked up for wandering, or if they need to re-home the dog.

    This also removes the financial factor which pitbull lovers rarely pay, anyway. (such as added insurance or fines)

    The fact pitbull lovers refuse to comply with the laws as they are written immediately tells me straight up that they have zero interest in the well-being of their own dog–never mind anyone who comes in contact with it.

    While I hope that these counties keep their BSL requirements, it’s going to take a huge public relations campaign to get the Pitbull menace, under control.

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