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13 thoughts on “Dog Bite Fatality Suspected: Woman Killed by Dog in the 16th Police District of Philadelphia

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  1. Pitbulls kill people. It’s just a fact.
    The family wants the death to be called
    a homicide. Who in his/her right mind would come in to kill a woman with five pitbulls present? Who is that brave?

    • It’s more likely that she had a medical episode. Philadelphia police often do not identify victims and the cause of death is not released. We may never know the outcome of this case.

    • It’s interesting that it was reported the victim had severe dog bites and yet family members took them away. Not animal control? I wonder if there will be DNA evidence to prove whether or not her pets murdered her. Four pit bulls, let’s get real. Even if she had a medical emergency, they finished her off. In fact, she might have had a heart attack while they were mauling her. In the meantime, family members have brought these sweet pitties to their own homes. I hope their children will be safe.

      • Exactly. That is not indicative of a “suspected” fatal dog attack at all. She had five dogs — family took away four? Maybe one dog was taken in by animal control.

    • It was all very early. Responders were racing to the scene; police were protecting the scene; and only parts of information were known. It’s unclear if we will learn anything about the person taken into custody.

      • My impression is that the person taken in custody was the son who found her. The police may have taken him into custody until they knew more of the situation, particularly if he said he was the owner of the dogs and/or if he was behaving erratically. He had probably been released until the results of the autopsy. The family is likely hoping she was murdered so that the dog(s) will not be found at fault, leading to possible charges against the son. Apparently the wounds caused by the dogs were not bad enough that her death was not obviously due to them.

        • I would also suspect, instead of a heart attack, she may have had a seizure or stroke that caused convulsions and the dogs freaked out.

  2. Well if you call the dog attacks by pit bulls a homicide then I suppose they will have their murder! Otherwise they have taken potentially killer pit bulls home lo maul them and their children. I wish them luck. I wonder if they’ll claim the next victim of their pit bulls was murdered as well? I don’t think it takes a medical emergency to get a pit bull to attack, I recall woman who sat on a m broken chair, a woman who fell a woman who sneezed, children who laughed all setting off a vicious pit bull mauling that resulted in death! Wouldn’t the death certificate be public information? I do genealogy and have seen a great number of death certificates that list multiple reasons for the death. For example they list sepsis due to pneumonia due to asthma or something like this when an autopsy is preformed they’re usually sickeninglly though and list multiple causes on the death certificate.

  3. It’s fine to list a cause of death, but many dead bodies don’t clearly tell that.
    And lots of bodies are buried or cremated without the whole story. For example, my mother had metastatic breast cancer to her brain. She had one solitary brain tumor which was removed. She also had radiation to her brain which secondarily caused damage to the blood vessels in her brain. That led to neuron damage and progressive
    dementia. That led to staying in bed until she died of sudden cardiac death due to a massive heart attack. Her death certificate says metastatic breast tumor and sudden cardiac death. Death certificates often give only a fraction of the medical problems in the deceased.

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