A baby died after being attacked by two large pit bulls at the Cedar Run Apartments.
Baby Killed by Dogs
Memphis, TN - On Friday afternoon, a 1-year old boy sustained critical injuries after being attacked by two dogs, police said. The boy was transported to a hospital, where he later died. Police were dispatched to the Cedar Run Apartments in the 5900 block of Ridgeland Drive at about 5:20 pm. The dogs were still attacking the child inside an apartment unit when officers arrived. When police made it inside the unit, the dogs were still in attack mode, forcing an officer to shoot and kill both dogs.
Audio dispatch log files from Memphis Police and Shelby County Sheriff identify the breed of dog and describe a similar scene. The dispatcher states, "5966 Ridgeland Drive they are advising that two large pit bulls are attacking one male juvenile. The juvenile is beyond help." Some seconds later, the dispatcher states, "be advised that one of the dogs still has ahold of the child. They are unable to get to the juvenile." One of the parents was also injured by the dogs while trying to save the baby.
Assistant Police Chief Don Crowe spoke to the media on Friday. “They got here as fast as they could. When they arrived on the scene inside one of the apartments two dogs were mauling a child, small infant child. The officer discharged his weapon and dispatched both dogs. The officer grabbed the child up, ran downstairs, started first aid on the child,” Crowe said. He added, "Right now, we just want to pray for that family and pray for that child and pray for the officer that had to face this tonight."
Family XL Pit Bulls
In October of 2022, two large pit bulls -- also known as XL pit bulls or XL bullies -- killed both children in the household in Millington, Tennessee, which resides in Shelby County and is about 10 miles north of Memphis. 5-month old Hollace Bennard and 2-year old Lilly Bennard were killed by the family's two large pit bulls, a male and female pair, Cheech and Mia respectively, the family had owned for eight years. It's reasonable to assume that the description of "two large pit bulls" indicates the XL type.
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07/01/24: 2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Two Pit Bulls Kill Woman in Bolivar; Police Issue Advisory...
10/11/22: 2022 Double Dog Bite Fatality: Pair of Family XL Pit Bulls Kill Two Children in Tennessee
Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
“One of the parents was also injured by the dogs while trying to save the baby”!!!
The only way that baby could be saved was to be born in family that do not worship pitbulls.
Saving – implies trouble that already has happened.
When will people get a clue? When will parents stop putting their precious children in harms way with these types of dogs? I don’t know what the tipping point could be if parents don’t get it. So preventable and sad.
When they start getting charged with negligence
what apartments allow two large pit bulls?
We noted the complex advertises as “pet friendly.” But that is still different than allowing two large dogs.
True Colleen. A complex with any large pitbull is NOT say chiauaua or cat friendly…
i found something that stated ‘some breed restrictions’ two dogs’ max . w
When I see anything advertised as “pet friendly,” I stay good and far away from it.
EXACTLY!! I guarantee the management wasn’t aware, which means none of the other neighbors complained, which is surprising to me. Sad. And I agree that the parents should be charged with criminally negligent homicide, it’s akin to leaving a loaded firearm on the floor or coffee table.
Poor child. Victim of the insane pit bull worship mentality. People sacrificing their children to their demon gods. And the horror of everyone else living in that apartment complex with those murder dogs. It’s ridiculous. Bless that poor child.
At least these two dogs are gone.
Some bloodsport dog users will say that these dogs could have been rehabilitated.
But this ending is happier for the bloodsport dogs as this way they die happy, doing what mutant, man-made instinct directed them to do.
Over on Reddit, there are ads as you scroll through that proclaim in large white letters and numbers that “27 people are dead because of recalled airbags”. I’m pretty sure that that number is from 2015 until now.
According to fatalpitbullattacks.com, 21 people have been killed by pit bulls just this year (and it’s only August).
I’m not saying that air bag safety isn’t important, I’m saying that pit bulls are a bigger threat to public safety than anything that has caused a recall, well, ever. They have a higher kill rate than yard darts and pintos combined. Yet, this is not a concern except to a few of us. The nanny myth still rules and dog’s lives are still valued over humans. I don’t know how to fix this. I feel like I’m shouting into a hurricane.
Farmer Jane, you make a great point. I’ve mentioned this before: when Ikea dressers were toppling over and killing kids, the dressers were recalled. In fact, it was all over national media. Same with faulty baby swings and slings. I’m starting to think that “common sense” dog laws need to be put in place. I have friends who are responsible gun owners who don’t own an aK-15 and believe in common sense gun laws. Imagine if we could regulate/ban “assault weapon” dog breeds on a national level. What if an investigative national media outlet actually exposed the number of children killed or horribly mauled by certain breeds/mixes? The reality is that the media has been bought and sold by the behemoth pet industry, ASPCA, no-kill shelters et al. Because of Colleen’s investigative skills and thorough reporting, we get a front row seat to this carnage. I’m appalled on a daily basis by how little the general public knows about the pit plague.
There’s a big difference between my “AK15” and a blood sport dog. My “AK15” doesn’t escape from my gun cabinet and go maul the neighbors child because it’s in the mood to do so.
That’s absolutely true. A weapon takes an affirmative, purposeful action by a person to turn into a murder weapon. A pit bull is a murder walking around on 4 feet that is not completely in the control of the human. It has its own mind, driven by its bred-in desire to kill. It’s only a matter of time. Also, what firearm a person ‘needs’ might depend on that person’s situation. Take the prior blog post for example. Woman attacked where 25 dogs running loose? Anything less than a high capacity weapon and you’re dead.
except kids killed in gun accidents are commonplace
True…and good point. This was a late night reflection. I’m generally just so sad to see this happening over and over with no accountability. I wish people were more informed about bringing these dogs home from shelters, breeders or wherever… especially folks who have children.
just found something else stating no weight or breed restrictions…………………
If there are no weight or breed restrictions, either the apartment desperately needs residents or the apartment complex is overrun with these types of dogs.
People who love dogs, cats, and/or children would not move there except if the rent was very inexpensive or those apartments are the only ones available in the area. Of course, “nanny” dog owners might be dumb enough to move there. With two oversized “nanny” dogs, the child’s parents didn’t need any babysitter.
I got hit by an airbag nearly two weeks ago and received no airbag injuries. I don’t blame the airbag for a fractured ankle. My passenger was not injured at all, and her airbag did deploy. She stated the bag was soft. Although I doubt that, the airbags did their job.
owners of these murderours pets that they want for a pet, should not be given GO Fund ME $$$$$$ should not be given to parents who do not care enough to know ,this dangerous bullbaiting animal or any other animal that can kill your children (KIN) should not be kept as a pet ,a pet must be kind gentle and sweet, not an animal that can eat on your baby while its killing it with its jaws ,these are not parents ,they are evil
I fully agree that pitbulls should not be kept as pets. Many of the owners
claim their dogs have not shown aggression before. I personally believe that many of the killers behave in such a way that the owners think it’s all play when it is not.
I have a GSD that grumbles at a certain man. Will I get rid of him for that behavior? Of course not. Both the man and I understand this dog’s behavior, and he only does it in front of me.
Exemplifies why apartments should ban pit bulls.
No one needs bloodsport dogs in such confined spaces like the hallways.
I think that there would be quite a market for pet-free apartment complexes. Not to mention housing developments.
One would think. Yet other people’s pets and the problems they cause remain inescapable. A couple of ill-conceived federal laws classifying them as medical devices are a big part of the problem.
It’s time to change those laws.
But not yet. I still need to get a service boa constrictor. Because I really need a hug!
I need a hug, too. Please leave me your boa constrictor in your will. Thanks.
What I find fascinating and horrifying in equal amounts is that this happened about 10 miles or so from where the Bennard children were slaughtered by the family’s XL Pitbulls! That story was big in that area, yet whoever owned these two dogs chose to KEEP them AND allow them to be in the vicinity of children. What kind of wingnut makes a decision like that?
Do you know whatever became of the Bennard family? I always wonder why these parents, who lost children to their choice of dog, are not going public in a big way to save others from a similar tragedy.
I can understand wanting to avoid public attention. The ones who do try to warn other parents are making a heroic effort (and they take a lot of flack from pitbull-owning degenerates).
I really feel for the police in this situation.
My father was a Sheriff’s deputy and I have l known others that worked in law enforcement.
It is my understanding that cops pretty quick grow numb to “man’s inhumanity to man” as long as the people involved are adults.
The cases with children tend to haunt them.
What a scene to arrive on. 2 pits using a dead baby as a chew toy. Your job is to dispatch the 2 pits, recover the baby and try to save it’s live even though it is most likely already dead. You have to take that little body and do what you can until it is obvious that you are too late, the dogs were successful in their mission.
Is it any wonder cops drink a lot?