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3 thoughts on “2023 Dog Bite Fatality: Man Killed by Dog at Visalia Business; Occupational Safety and Health Agency Responded

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  1. Ha! You actually caught a photo of a pitbull via Google Street. Sitting right there at the gate.

    I’m puzzled as to how these businesses actually conduct business w dangerous dogs guarding the premises. Do they use phones from their trucks? Seems like these places actually stifle making a profit with guard dogs.

  2. Not gonna publicly say “How” but it doesn’t take much to remove guard dogs from premises, trained or untrained if a
    “professional” thief wants access. If there’s enough money involved, dogs are not going to stop them. The only thing dogs will stop is an amateur.

    It’s much easier and cheaper to take out dogs than learning how the alarm system and cameras work, where they’re located and how to disarm and disable all the electronics.

    Using dogs for property guarding in a first world country business isn’t about saving property. It’s about intimidation and looking tough.

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