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4 thoughts on “Report: Countries Worldwide that Restrict Dangerous Dog Breeds

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  1. Thank you for the work you are doing, Colleen. Zero national dog bans in North America – I’d like to see that change, since I live here. It doesn’t appear to be on the current administration’s radar.

    I used to think it was good that this isn’t a partisan issue but now I suspect that it simply isn’t seen as an issue at all by any of our leaders. In fact I’m beginning to wonder if any kind of control on dogs in America is a problem no politician wants to touch with a 10-foot pole.

  2. The scope of data encompassed in this study is absolutely astonishing. You are to be congratulated on bringing clarity, precision and comprehensiveness to a subject that would seem to defy any attempt to do so. The conclusions provide an indispensable overview of the dog breeds the world has determined merit special controls in order to protect human beings (and other dogs). Not of least importance is the simple, universal inference that breed matters. Thank you.

  3. Amazing work, Colleen! There’s tons of fascinating information. I just read about Kangals. Outside of Turkey, who the heck needs this guardian bear-sized breed? Maybe on a farm with marauding wolves. The Turkish breeder talks about celebrities wanting one of these. Oy vey. This breed does not belong in suburbia. There’s mention of an older woman and a young girl in England both killed by a Kangal.

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