Fort Riley, Kansas Army Base Bans Pit Bull Type Dogs

Banned Dog Breed PolicyFort Riley, KA - On September 30, 2008, Fort Riley Army base issued a memorandum for distribution. The subject of the memorandum was titled: Banned Dog Breed Policy. Effective October 1, 2008, Fort Riley banned new and unregistered pit bulls, American Staffordshire terriers and crosses of these breeds from the entire base. Effective October 1, 2008, pit bulls, American Staffordshire terriers, and crosses of these breeds will no longer be allowed o… [Read full blog post]

Fort Hood, Texas U.S. Army Base Passes New Pit Bull Restriction

Fort Hood, TX - A reader of has brought to our attention that Fort Hood, a U.S. Army post, has recently passed a new pit bull law. The regulation prohibits new pit bulls and their crosses from living on base housing. It requires existing pit bulls to be registered with the Fort Hood Veterinary Clinic (FHVC) by 10 July 8. If the dog has not been registered by this time, it will be subject to removal. Military law supercedes state law, so Fort Hood is not bound by the State o… [Read full blog post]

2008 Dog Bite Fatality: Isis Krieger, 6-Years Old, Killed by Family Pit Bull

Isis Kreiger, 6-years old, died after being attacked by her family's pit bull. Father Arrives from Iraq UPDATE 08/19/08: Clarifications around Isis's death have been revealed. Medical officials declared her legally dead Thursday morning, August 14th, after undergoing surgery. Isis was then placed on life support machines while the family awaited for Isis's father, deployed to Iraq, to return to the country. Upon his return she was taken off the machines and died after s… [Read full blog post]