Which Dog Breed has the Highest Prevalence and Severity of Injuries in Recent Level 1 Trauma Center Medical Studies?

Peer-Reviewed Medical Studies Show Pit Bulls - Meme Campaign This image is based on our 2012 campaign Children and pit bulls do not mix DogsBite.org - Last October, we issued a special report about retrospective level 1 trauma center dog bite studies published in medical science journals since 2009. Of the 11 multi-year studies, 10 showed a higher prevalence of pit bull injuries than other breeds of dogs. All major geographical regions in the U.S. were represented in these f… [Read full blog post]

Who Can Identify a Pit Bull? A Dog Owner of 'Ordinary Intelligence' Say the High Courts

Pit Bulls Are Identifiable Meme Campaign DogsBite.org - For 25 years appellate courts have ruled that a dog owner of ordinary intelligence can identify a pit bull (See: Ohio v. Anderson, 1991). In addition to this, the high courts have ruled that scientific precision is not required when determining the breed (See: Colorado Dog Fanciers v. Denver, 1991). Yet still the myth persists ad nauseam -- pushed by the Pit Bull Propaganda Machine, pit bull advocates, animal groups an… [Read full blog post]