2015 Dog Bite Fatality: Family Dogs Savagely Kill Elderly Woman in Miami-Dade

The American bulldog-mix and main aggressor in attack that killed Carmen Reigada. New Information UPDATE 03/30/16: Six months after the horrific, gruesome mauling death of a 91-year old woman by three family dogs, new information has been released, including photographs of the dogs. The medical examiner determined the dogs "defleshed" the face and scalp of Carmen Reigada. She died due to dog bites to the head, neck and extremities. Since her death, her great-grandson, C… [Read full blog post]

Lafourche Officials 'Set Up' Second Attack; Rebuff State Representative

From left: State Rep. Rickey Hardy, Judge Jerome Barbera III and double-mauler "Shank." The Lafourche "Compromise" Larose, LA - On October 19, a pit bull owned by Jerome and Lillian Jarreau escaped its home and attacked a woman. Police said the attack was "brief but furious," after the dog ripped into 48-year old Tecla Smith's left arm. Smith's son Juan, who witnessed the attack, said he was surprised that the pit bull did not let go after being beaten on the head with a two-by-f… [Read full blog post]