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6 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Newborn Dies After Being Bitten by Family Dog in Torrance, California

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  1. The dogs are pitbull and “mixed dogs” .poor baby Chevy she only lived for only one month because her parents are pitbull worshippers. Her mom choice of a family dog killed her.she pay the price of pitbull her parents learn their lesson pitbull aren’t family’s pet.of course she devastated because she know the truth pitbull kills and her daughter is part of the statistics that pitbull are the number one dog killer.

  2. What kind of a sociopath puts their 1 MONTH old around a Pit? Pits are dangerous. They have a prey drive. That 1 month old is prey to them. It’s that simple. These dogs are dangerous. These delusional people are dangers to society.

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