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36 thoughts on “2024 Dog Bite Fatality: Police Storm Through Fence to Save Boy Being Attacked by Two Pit Bulls in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota

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  1. I blame the parents why on earth would they trust someone to watch their baby.not only he owner of a pitbull but he also a breeder.shame on his parents I’m glad the cops saved the baby life and the pitbull aren’t friendly if they attack a baby and they were an issue before.I’m glad the baby is okay but I hope he parents won’t trust a pitbull owner to watch him later.

      • The desire to dominate. A primitive, psychological desire people should outgrow to become civilized but many people fail and find deceptive ways to satisfy this primitive desire.

        Dogs only have the cognitive capacity to have authority ranking social relationships. They enjoy dominating or being dominated. That is natural for them. Humans have the cognitive capacity to psychologically, and socially develop past authority ranking relationships to market pricing relationships where they respect each other’s rights.

        A lot of people never achieve this level of psychological, social development. They continue to find dominance satisfying. Why people like Putin and Hitler not only enjoy dominating other people but spend hours playing with dangerous dogs, and imposing dogs on other people.

        The pet industry makes billions of dollars exploiting the human psychological vulnerability of desiring to dominate. Why they spend millions to maintain the delusion owning a pet is humane. A humane person has developed psychologically to the point where they find dominance offensive and find respecting others’ rights satisfying.

      • The primitive, psychological desire to dominate people should outgrow to become civilized but many people fail and find deceptive ways to satisfy this primitive desire.

        Dogs only have the cognitive capacity to have authority ranking social relationships. They enjoy dominating or being dominated. That is natural for them. Humans have the cognitive capacity to psychologically, and socially develop past authority ranking relationships to market pricing relationships where they respect each other’s rights.

        A lot of people never achieve this level of psychological, social development. They continue to find dominance satisfying. Why people like Putin and Hitler not only enjoy dominating other people but spend hours playing with dangerous dogs, and imposing dogs on other people.

        The pet industry makes billions of dollars exploiting the human psychological vulnerability of desiring to dominate. Why they spend millions to maintain the delusion owning a pet is humane. A humane person has developed psychologically to the point where they find dominance offensive and find respecting others’ rights satisfying.

  2. Nearly nannied to death, again. Hope the poor kid makes it. No one with two firing brain cells would allow their kid to be near a home with pits but 40 years of propaganda has done its damage.

  3. Yes, this woman is “part of the problem.” We hear the same old script after every killing or mauling. Pitbulls are often “very nice” until they attack; unprovoked and with deadly force. This little guy was on play equipment, I bet nowhere near the litter of future maulers. BTW, I’ve owned dogs that have had puppies and not one tried to kill me or a family member. I hope this child recovers. It sounds like he was terribly injured. Bless his heart.

    • Exactly Teresa. I grew up in a neighbourhood where dogs were frequently hopping fences or roaming around producing litters of Lord-knows-what crossbreeds.

      While a few kids may have been growled at or nipped for messing with their pups, I never heard of anyone going to the hospital from being shredded by the dam to the point of critical care.

      What’s changed since then?

      1) Pitbulls
      2) Training methods
      3) Not really dog people owning dogs
      4) Pitbulls.
      6) Molasser breeds as household pets
      7) Pitbulls

  4. I hope he survived because they said he in critical condition that doesn’t that mean he’s okay .if he survived I hope his parents learn their lesson not to trust pitbull that lady out of her mind his pitbull aren’t dangerous they’re nice they play with my dogs.well she dummy if doesn’t believe some pitbull are dangerous and it not a freak accident.anyway I wonder if she said the same thing if the lovable pitbull seriously injured one of her girls.

  5. Thank you Colleen for reporting on this. It ought to be national news that children are being brutally savaged by animals. I wish America would wake up and be alerted to the problem of fighting dog breeds in our midst, the violence they are capable of and prone to, the lives being destroyed. This young person shouldn’t have to endure this pain, scarring, and probable disability.

  6. These dogs are so extremely reactive it’s ridiculous. Recently I was on a trip and my husband and we were walking on a trail in an open park. About 50 ft away an older “gentleman” sat on a bench with his pitbull. One of my ankles rolled underneath me, resulting in a step that was louder, different in sound (slide on gravel) and out of rhythm. The pit went ballistic immediately, turning lurching, barking, trying to get away from its owner. I am very lucky that he didn’t lose control of the leash in his hand. It was triggered by a sound. You can imagine that a child on playground equipment would easily trigger a pit. It could be as simple as falling off of the equipment, clanging swings together, or making any other loud sound. In any household breaking a glass could result in an attack.

  7. Affordable Electric of Twin Cities, Inc. is a publicly registered business with the same address as where the attack occurred. The information is public on the Minnesota Secretary of State website.

    • Just saw an updated YT video about attack. Child is on life support, no brain activity & being prepped for organ donation! RIP little one! Mom has had two surgeries, needs more. Reporter’s made a very BIG DEAL about informing viewer’s that attacking dogs were not Pitbulls, but American bulldogs! It was even posted in writing on screen! It sounded so out of place & weird that a news agency was immediately running defence for Pitbulls! Afraid that people would jump to conclusions that they were Frankenmauler’s!
      Absolutely astonishing! One dog was shot by police during the attack & died, the other was injured & later euthanized. I just don’t understand why adult’s would expose vulnerable children, senior’s & pets to Bloodsport dog’s! Have IQ’s dropped sharply?
      Is it brainwashing propaganda used by the dogfighting industry to recruit useful idiot advocates as their cover/breed promoter’s or simply denial that a happy wigglebutt could transform into your executioner? Many people are no longer able to draw sensible conclusions to save themselves or their loved one! I’m thinking the only explanation is that the Woke mind virus has infected the dog world & destroyed good judgment & pattern recognition.
      They see Pitbulls not just as an abused breed, which they are, but as the oppressed underdog (like some racial minorities) who demand righteous defending. Anyone who criticizes or speaks against them is an evil oppressor & a breed racist (I literally heard this said by owner’s/advocates many times) & must be viciously fought against! So hard to reach these people! They just ignore & excuse the litany of casualties!

      • Just to clarify. Minority groups can *say* “this or that is oppressing my community”

        As it stands, millionaire dogfighters profiting from fighting and selling pitbulls alongside those that run cover for them are the ones doing the speaking. This is “savior complex” writ large for the stupidest cause, imaginable. The right for other dogs and people to be murdered by someone’s choice of dog breed.

        When the pitbulls start talking for themselves, I’m all ears.

  8. The lie that pitbulls make good family dogs leads to mayhem. People who breed pitbull puppies… I have nothing good to say about them. I hope a lawsuit will come and wipe out any profits these backyard breeders made. I don’t know if they were friends of the victim’s family or strangers.

    This is yet another case where the puppies of a killer dog should be destroyed (but likely won’t be).

  9. The irony! They were potentially there to choose a puppy when the adult dogs mauled them both causing the death of a child and disfigurement his mother. The family should sue them “to the moon” and back. What a horrific way to learn this lesson.

  10. I read all of the comments and totally agree. Dogs are dangerous. I have two small breed dogs who have tried to bite me when they have been in pain and so forth. Dogs can be triggered by many things. The risks associated with American Bulldogs and Pit Bull dogs are too high. We need to make it illegal to own/breed/sell. Their owners aren’t doing enough for the public’s safety.

  11. What’s interesting is that people are fighting on the FB page about whether it was pitbulls or bulldogs. The news said pitbulls, however, even the mother of the child is saying bulldogs. And, yes, she was there to buy a puppy. From what I’m seeing here, it sure looks like pits and a rottie.

    • Right, Colleen. Why would this mother even bother to get online and “defend” whatever the hell she was buying. I guess we can chalk it up to extreme grief, some denial and I’m sure tremendous guilt. People, especially parents, should be doing some research before they buy a puppy or bring home one from a shelter. But in so many cases of these horrific attacks, they clearly walk in blind or have bought into the nanny dog myth. If an adult owner dies, so be it. But we see so many dead children on this site because of poor parental choices.

  12. Sadly the little boy passed away. To Covil family my thoughts my prayers are with you.
    To the owners of those two dogs I hope I pray that you are prosecuted to the highest extent of the law. Backyard breeders of dogs like this are a major part of the problem.
    To the city of Brooklyn Park these dogs should have been licensed and they should have been under kennel licensing if they were breeding those dogs. Brooklyn Park she’s going a lot of other cities that have banned bully breeds.
    As a matter of fact a second child was attacked in Brooklyn Park by a pitbull. Thank God her injuries were only minor.
    To the owners of any bully breeds you need to have your dogs on a leash at all times. I live within the area and I’m scared to death that I’m going to be bit by some fool’s dog that doesn’t have at leashed. Please make sure your dogs are under your control with a leash and collar.

    • Janey, sorry to inform you but a leash and collar is *not* going to save anyone from a dog that can pull a honda. These dogs are capable of pulling 1-2000 lbs of car…

      Stop messing about, authorities. Even with BSL in place, these people are NOT going to stop raising these dogs. We have BSL here and I ran into one regular pitbull and one shorty pitbull at the hardware store this week. Neither wore a muzzle and both owners were clueless as the dogs snorted their way through the snacks, aisle. Since both of those dogs could legally be confiscated–this is “pitbull love” for you.

      Make owning a pitbull illegal. Period.

      Then people can breed illegal beagles or something. Even mastiff breeds and rottweilers don’t have an over 50% dog aggression rate after reaching adulthood. Even the worst of the worst breeds can’t even come close to the homicide rate of pitbulls.

      There’s *zero* reason for them to exist except for dogfighting. They aren’t friendlier, they aren’t smarter, they aren’t good guard dogs, they aren’t anything better than other breeds or mixes except for being dog and cat-killing, homicidal murder machines on four legs.

      We aren’t doing the pitbulls any favours by letting every dimwit with a $50 cage, breed more of them. It just ends in more dead pitbulls and more dead people. Stop shilling them off as APBT or Staffies or anything else. They’re *pitbulls*. Full stop.

      It’s not the pitbull haters that are causing the euthansia statistics and murder rate attributed to pitbulls. Pitbull haters don’t buy pitbulls.

      It’s the pitbull lovers.
      This rests purely with them.

  13. Yes I heard that but 2 vicious dog attacks in less the week is too many. It’s time for Brooklyn Park city council to re vamp the laws pertaining to bully breeds. Either the the license amount is higher to own one. Or or the owner of the dogs has to carry a million dollar policy against their dogs biting somebody.

  14. Good grief. Going over to buy a murder dog of their own, but the murder dogs couldn’t wait. Poor child. The parents are the idiots that put this sweet child into a dangerous situation. Charge them with child abuse and the owners with manslaughter.

  15. Wait why did they lied in the first place his parents said he was babysitting their baby. And the police came to save the baby life and after the baby died. The story change . Both parents are stupid let buy a killer dog breed for our precious babies. Why would they choose to buy a pitbull for a dog I guess they’re the dog cult the idiot mother have scars and painful surgeries and that a reminder that her choice of dog cost her baby’s life.

  16. I saw a recent news article that said not only was this little boy killed by pit bulls, no matter what they are called but a 7 year old little girl was recently attacked by a loose dog, it didn’t specify what breed but I presume a pit bull as well because it was shot by the police as well when it then tried to attack a boy. The news article said the government was going to have
    “larger conversations are underway with city leaders and elected officials about dog attacks”. Hopefully they will ban pit bulls or at the very least ban the back yard breeders!

    • Minnesota is clearly run by idiots too stupid to read a spreadsheet.

      Politicians should have to pass a statistics comprehension course before they’re allowed to take office.

      Hate to say it but this is *exactly* why pitbulls are illegal in China. Everything there is run by numbers.

  17. If this sad, oh so sad, story doesn’t wake people up to the dangers of owning fighting breed dogs, then no story will. It doesn’t matter if you think your dog is a pit bull or a “bulldog” or a hog dog. They were all bred to catch and hold. Till dead. Under NO circumstances are they suitable around children, nor should they be allowed in public places, like parks and festivals. The ONLY dog that lunged on its leash at my two small breeds at a recent festival was a big ugly pit bull. Some people show such a lack of citizenship and humanity. They love the idea that they have “death” on a leash. Small minds. And it’s for those small minds that these backyard breeders keep producing killer dogs.

  18. He passed away and they’re donating his organs. 🙁 Rest in peace, fella. Horrible way to die, pray for their family!

  19. this is no ‘accident ‘ its an idiot throwing a child to wolves, who the hell buys a damn pit bull and takes a toddler

  20. I had to stop following this story because the mother was arguing on Facebook with someone saying they weren’t Pit Bulls they were American Bulldogs. It upset me so much.

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