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6 thoughts on “Janie Najera, the Wife of Ramon Najera, Testifies In Punishment Phase of Fatal Dog Attack Trial

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  1. I truly feel sorry for her.I hope she get justice for him.I can’t imagine her pain and suffering that she have to witness his brutal death done by that beast of a dog and she was helpless.but what will be done by laws nothing there was a recent story where I think it was a pitbull who attack a 10 year old boy and his father the dog attack a three year old the previous day.

  2. It’s too terrible, I can’t watch. I hope both of those scumbags will get some prison time. A lifetime ban on owning dogs would be an excellent outcome.

    • And, let me guess, their neighbors suffered from the same sleep deprivation that I am right now. Barked out of yet another sound sleep, I was.

      • @YQN, I can so relate, I have 7 dogs, 4 owners on one side of our house. Everywhere I’ve lived there’s been at least one barking dog. When my husband retires, we are buying property with as much land as we can afford, far from any neighbors house.

  3. That poor woman! It would really set an example if these 2 owners got prison time. That the city gave those killers back 3 times, they definitely have some responsibility there! Let’s hope and pray that those responsible will actually pay for their criminal negligence.

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