A 7-month old baby boy died after being attacked by a St. Bernard in Sevier County.
Infant Killed by Dog
Sevier County, TN - Sevier County Sheriff Ron Seals issued a press release Monday afternoon stating that a 7-month baby died after being attacked by a family dog. On Sunday, emergency responders were dispatched to a home on Apache Lane at about 6:15 pm for a report of an infant not breathing after a dog attack. When first responders arrived, they found the infant dead and an occupant in the home suffering injuries from trying to protect the baby during the dog attack.
The large dog became aggressive toward emergency responders at the scene and was dispatched at the scene. The identity and gender of the baby was not released by the sheriff's office. The breed of dog was not released either. As of Tuesday, the case was still under investigation by the Sevier County Sheriff's Office. Earlier this year, two people were killed by the same dogs in Cocke County, Tennessee. The fatal attacks occurred about 3.5 months apart.
WVLT spoke to the mother of the baby, Tiffany Parker, who identified her baby as a boy. At the time of the attack, he was at his grandmother's home, she said. The grandmother was hurt while trying to help the baby, Parker said. "I’ll never get to hear him say mama," she said. WVTL also published a photograph of the baby boy. We expect this video segment will be updated, adding the mother to it, in preparation for the evening news cast. The death investigation remains ongoing.
Evening Updates
WTLV interviewed the baby's mother, Tiffany Parker. 7-month old baby Bentley was visiting his grandmother, according to the Sevier County Sheriff's Office, while his mother was moving into a home one block away. Parker heard some commotion coming from her mother's home and ran over to check on her son. The family dog, a St. Bernard, had attacked her mother and killed her son. Parker said the dog typically stayed outside when the baby was visiting his grandmother.
A "Beware of the Dog" sign hung on a fence at the grandmother's home in the 900 block of Apache Lane. Parker is distraught that she never got to hear her baby say "mama" for the first time. Parker also warned parents about aggressive dogs. “If you have any doubt about an animal, please please, just get rid of the dog or something,” she said. “You wouldn’t expect it to happen, but it does.” The dog got so aggressive with first responders that it was dispatched at the scene.

A family St. Bernard fatally attacked a baby boy and injured his grandmother who intervened.
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Law enforcement departments across the United States should release consistent "baseline" information to the media and the public after each fatal dog mauling, including these items.
Dispatched at the scene? GOOD! That should happen every time.
Enough with these quarantines and dangerous dog hearings.
Just put the things down.
Only because it tried to eat the police at the scene.
Babies and seniors don’t count, apparently. Clearly dogs have legal rights when it comes to mauling the vulnerable.
Taking bets on pitbull or maybe, rottweiler.
It looks like they were correct. A saint Bernard. A dog saint Bernard. A dog that is 100% interfertile with wolves. Which are predator animals. Which have high prey drives. A dog. Yes. With a baby. Too late for “Oh No!”
How about a dog with an undefended senior citizen? What about with undefended everyone else? Same answer. Unless they are defended. Then yes, but then Cave Canem!
//edit: Removed multiple exclamation points.
“No Boscoe!” then heard her screaming, “Help me! Help me!”
The large loose dog became aggressive towards the victim and was dispatched by the victim at the scene. Oh wait, never mind. That almost never happens. Only to me on the public street, twice in five years. People wanna have large dogs? They can keep it in the family. When a picture of the baby is posted, I feel very sad that that the sociopaths thought that the dog is more important than their baby. Picture of the smiling baby is not yet posted? Then one of my first thoughts is: Good thing they didn’t let it out on the street to kill an innocent pedestrian.
Is it me, or does the body count seem higher than usual this year? I’ve tried going back through these posts but I lost track of the count. I’ve also noticed more pit bulls in our neighborhood this year than ever, more dogs in general because of the Covid lockdown.
Since our country is losing more babies to uncontrollable dog teeth, I have a question. Can we get the babies pet rocks?. They have to be big enough so the child cannot swallow them. The pet rock won’t chew on furniture, or make messes.
If picked up by shelters, board should be very affordable. They could help the NoKill movement, as they can liive forever. Unfortunately, the child will likely wreck its teeth from chewing.
And someone just gave me the spiel about St Bernard’s being ‘gentle giants’. All dog breeds have failures amongst the standard. Dogs should be kept away from babies and toddlers. And they KNEW this dog was vicious! One mistake cost a baby its life.
I was perusing the fatal dog attacks on Wikipedia. In the ’70’s and early ’80’s there were a surprising number of deaths caused by St. Bernards. I had always thought of them as gentle giants, too. They were right up there with where rotties are now.
St. Bernards had a spate of maulers a few years back so it looks like this one might be a descendant of that lot. I remember the shock that caused. I think most aggression was then bred back out. Given this is our first St. Bernard murder in a couple of decades, the breeding program was fairly successful, I’d wager.
Weird how the cops shot a St. Bernard for eating someone but don’t shoot pitbulls on the regular?
In this case, the parents knew it was unstable because of previous behaviour but whatever kennel it came from–nobody should be buying from them. These owners got warnings and ignored them.
When I was in grade school, a Saint Bernard got loose and found its way onto our playground. I was frightened by that big dog.
One of my classmates said, “It’s okay. They save people.”
I wasn’t convinced.
Fortunately, I wasn’t harmed by the dog and neither were my classmates. But I do recall that the grownups were not happy about the presence of the dog.
This is highly disturbing, especially given that many of the “rescue” dogs in our neighborhood have skewed to pit/pit mixes dramatically in recent months. Probably 2/3 of the adoptable dogs in our area fall into the that category. I have a small friendly breed fluff ball, and any large dog can terrify me. I avoid them at all costs. They can quickly get off-leash due to their physical power. What can we do to slow down the madness?
So heartbreaking. Poor little guy. And unlike so many others it appears he at least has a mother who places him above the family dog. After reading most of the entries here on DBO,the usual path is that the victim is remembered as being little more than training toys for the most important member of the family {the Dog}.
So many of these dog worshiping zealots would sign their own family member away for euthanasia than to take away “Bullit”, “Killah”,”Dahmer”, “Harley”, “Vulcan”, etc..
“I made sure the dog was locked outside. How he got inside, I don’t know,” said Tiffany. That’s because she says the dog had shown some aggression toward Bentley before, but never to this level.